Friday, June 16, 2006

Living in Shadow

It's time i exert some self control.

Lovely dinner with my O camp groupmates and group sons and daughters.

I must admit that i am with weakness.

Currently listening: 金剛 - 謝霆鋒

"無堅不摧 鐵石般的心也盡碎
還沒有崩潰的 不是人 除非金剛化身"

"明天再哭 恕我今天有事忙
連傷心也暫時備案 武裝得不似有心肝
遲些再講 恕我不需要病床
如果忍眼淚如煉鋼 強如我又要幾多重創"

Special thanks to 黃偉文.

PS. Rainbow..... lovely

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