Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 7 and Holiday.

Day 7 has passed, without too much difficulties.

Today was spent on practical skill exercise, which according to some, is the hardest subject of all. To me (maybe heard some words from Sam beforehand), I found it not too difficult, just need to keep calm and act accordingly...... sharp decision (and sometimes gut instinct). It maybe easier said than done, but i look forward to such exercise (I'm prepared to commit mistakes, but this is a learning procedure, isnt it?)

Treasured my general holiday at home..... but got so many to study, i can feel the stress already.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 6.

Physically demanding day.

Morning PT session followed by footdrill~ Lunch and afterwards it's a easy session.

Some improvement in chin up, can now do 4.

Get pissed by the way of working things of some of my squadmates.... Fuck you!

Gotta sleep, will write again soon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformer 2.

Spent this weekend at home.

So crazy, never imagine I can sleep for so long.

Friday night midnight till 8ish, Breakfast and from noon slept all the way till 6..... stay a couple hours awake and sleep again from midnight till 8 again..... still sleepy.

Feeling insufficient from police training, decided to work out on sunday morning for 2 hours, before going for movies, Transformer 2. Great CG, but no plot at all...... disappointed. Buy things for the camp and had early dinner and head back to base. Tidy up things a bit and get the hair cut..... still got to work on the academic stuff..... but seems like today is not the day.

Shall sleep soon. Later then. Will soon be day 6 of my training.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson - Ghost

Rest In Peace.

The King of Pop.

Cloudy... and Rainy Day 5.

Took the oath of office in the morning. Finally, officially became a police officer.

Totally crazily wet today. From sweat..... and harshest part is from the rain...... wet all the way to skin.... not only once, but twice...... ruined all my clothes already.

Had the experience of operating Beat radio, kinda fun~~ Over, Roger and send~~

At home now..... can have some good sleep now.

Later. My next entry shall be longer~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 4

Cool, it's now around a week already.

Still got some times to go... but surely it goes fast.

I kept my entry short coz everynight it's just too tired after all the chores and stuff..... cant think coherently.

Today is a slightly easy day, more academic stuff. But need to work on drilling...... Will take Oath of office tomorrow.

"Everyday I pray it's a cloudy day."

Ever imagine how wet you can be from sweat? and how impossible is for a mosquito to bite your swinging arm while drilling? I have no idea before this camp.

What wonderful experience.

Time to sleep (while I can).

Later. And you may leave me SMS if you want to. I'll check at night.

Day 3.

Amazing human body display.

Waist trimmed from 30 to 27 already. More reduction to come.

Watched the mosquito suck the blood out of me while i'll have to maintain posture..... all crazy.

I vowed not to get in Uniform branch even if i pass out.

Gotta sleep.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 2

2 days seems like 2 weeks to me already.

Very horrible.... sweating till the clothes is all wet. Then cool down in air-con classmate till you freeze. Then go out again. This time the rain comes in...... was soaked again but still got to drill in that stinky, wet uniform.

Fancy such life?

Damn sleep now. Next time.

Day 1

What can i say, I'm so sleepy now.

Dragging my heavy luggage to hostel and settle down. Got tonnes of tedious task to complete.
Only 2 lesson today.

I cant think coherently now. Next time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Endless shopping.

Been up since morning and continue buying.

Still, I have a long list of things to be bought soon.

Gosh... It's some really tiring experience.

Feel so sleepy now. Should take some sleep now.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What to expect.

First day at the Police College.

Pretty much as expected. Like the Day 0 in the previous O camps..... just some briefings and tour around.

I look forward to the upcoming life.

It's gonna be tough, but should nonetheless be a wonderful experience.

I feel slightly disappointed with the qualities of my fellow trainees..... not ability wise... but discipline and dedication. Hope that I'm wrong about it.

Got another haircut, this time to the exact standard of College requirement. Cool (temperature) is the only appropiate word to describe it.

Got homework to do.... need to prepare a biography for myself... what should i write?

Dinner with Jeff and Lo Kai, should be the very last one in the forseeable months.

Tired now. And will be more tired as the camp progress..... wish me luck.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Feeling excited, the way i had when i was in primary school...

Will attend the orientation program at my new school. About to meet my new mates and course instructors. A bit anxious and some expectations too.

The only down side is to wake at such unmanly hour, which I'll have to adapt sooner or later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Remember this day.

Remember as it marks the last day in my dental career.

Remember the days when dealing with psychotic and rude patients are way over now.

Remember friends are the most important assets in my life.

The dinner tonight with you guys and gals was awesome.

Without the dental education, i'd never have met you wonderful people. I've no regret whatsoever.

The photo-sticker will stay with me wherever i go.

You guys take care and we will meet again soon.

Love you all~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Counting down my days.

Okay, I've finally made up my mind. I'll seize on the offer that I've fought so hard for. No matter what lies ahead, no matter the bitter and sweet, I'm ready.

Monday. Lost some sleep the night before and head for Kowloon City and have brunch with Jeffrey, I guess to refrain from talking to him during my training will actually be harder than the training course coz we share so many in common.

Later that day, got an haircut, military style. Quite fond of this hair now~

Head to Wan Chai for some dental paperworks and then have an review on my eyes, they're okay.

Head back to work and that night Kathy finally gave in and let me do the filling for her. And also I've cemented a 'fake diamond' on her canine. That should last a while~

Dinner with Sally, Kathy, James and Jonathan. Always the same fun when heading out. For my own good, I must 'refer' some of my colleague to Sally soon~

Tuesday, unexpected holiday. Slept till late and continue to sleep for a while longer before leaving my bed. Head out for Gym around late noon. Went to visit grandma before heading out to meet with Sam, current inspector who also happened to be my ex-classmate/jongmate/friend. Asked a lot on the future days in police and what to look out for. Thank him so much for the advice. It might not be a path that leads to great prosperity, but at least it's a path that leads to no wrong-doing and danger.

Dinner with the future classmates, it's always good to get to know new people, especially with these guys, the one who might save my arse someday soon~

Time to sleep now. Got a lot to prepare and buy tomorrow and the day after~~ Till next time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Someone who knows you more than yourself.

Do you believe there can be some person who knows you better than youself?

Certainly I've met one tongiht. My primary classmate, James Hui.

Explaining the pros and cons of my future career move, touching on fields that i dare not think about it. He's surely enlightening.

Unfortunately, he also knew all my 'dark' reasons for switching to police field and strongly advised me against it.

I could fool the whole world but I can never fool my heart.

I always thought I do have a way to back out if things are not doing well. But in truth, are these so called 'contigency plan' sound? Will I be able to work out my plan? Or am I left with no choice?

I've given up so much. But are these sacrifice necessary? I can easily hold on to my dentist job and expect the better of it... once i quit, I'm forfeiting all chances.....

Logically speaking, I'm now taking a gamble. I'm putting all my bets in one shot which yield very low odds. When the choice is still there for me to make, should I act differently?

With my brother, sister and now even James telling me this.... Am i doing it wrong?

Please, give me a break.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Panic mode 2.

Still. Was living in fear and anxiety.


Dinner with Ang and winnie.

Surprise meeting with Horace.

Things will improve sooner or later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Panic attack.

The usual panic attack mode was activated again.

Dreading for nearly everything.

Got many tedious task got to complete before entering camp on 22nd.

Head filled with the upcoming challenges.... the largest one being deprived of sleeping time.

Had a great dinner with the usual gang + Cora tonight. Shall be my last feast before training.

Sleepy now. Next time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Complaints Choir

Interesting enough.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Count down.

Will sign the contract tomorrow. Once done everything shall be settled and for good.

Not many days left... with a lot to do.

After seeing the patients today (and my pay cheque of May), I've decided quitting dentistry is a good way out for me.

Got myself a hair trimmer today..... cant wait to test it soon.

Living life fully each day.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10th.

Happy Birthday to my brother Jason.

Today it's also a good day for me. Not just good, but important too~

I've received the offer from HKPF officially (around 6 evening). Meaning I will soon start a new page in my career. I certainly look forward to it.

Today was spent rather idly. Waking only when the calling for NBA final Game 3 are far greater than my urge to sleep. Good game Orlando!

Spent the whole day in Taikooshing. Have decided to commit to a saving plan for 18 months, that's going to be a (not so small) burden for me but in the long run it should help me good.

Enjoyed a shopping time with grandma in the shopping centre, finally bought a cozy pillow, should be able to catch some good sleep tonight..... sometimes, a break in the busy life and spent with family is what soothe me most.

Late tea with Kennon and Ewing, (Dont ask why Ewing can have tea at work time), pretty inspirational everytime when discussing the future with them, they certainly have more critical thoughts and more experience than i do..... Maybe you're right, i do need to set my goals more realistically and work hard on it.

Dinner with childhood buddy Cheuk. We share great times no matter how long we are apart. All the best and i'm sure we'll meet often~

To my pal Jeffrey: All my blessings. You're on my 'daily monitoring' list. All shall go fine for you.

Gotta sleep early tonight. Still need to work tomorrow..... but thru dentistry i can earn with much physical effort..... so i suppose i should save up more before i switch field. :P

民建聯成功爭取北極有企鵝 @ 左右紅藍綠

隔牆有耳:黑白不分 顛倒南北


民建聯要惡補英文,已經係香港人共識,原來佢哋地理常識都十分驚人。被譽為黨內新星、 剛當選副主席嘅律師張國鈞,噚日擔任港台節目《左右紅藍綠》嘉賓講氣候暖化問題,一出 鏡就講:「一直以嚟北極都係一個非常之寧靜,人少企鵝多嘅地方。」
佢講咗兩句,唔少觀眾已經笑咗出嚟,事關好多人都知,北極有熊而冇企鵝,南極先至有企 鵝,兩種動物只會在聖誕卡或動物園先有機會同場出現,張副主席指北極企鵝多,擺明搞 gag啫。


節目噚日下午 1點幾鐘出街後,瞬即有人將片段上網,網友睇完「北極企鵝多」偉論後無不笑到反肚,大 家以為民建聯政治上顛倒是非、六四史實黑白不分啫,原來連南北都亂晒龍。有人話民建聯 成功爭取企鵝北極居留權,應該盡快掛街板邀功,同時舉辦北極企鵝觀光團,由張副主席帶 街坊去開吓眼界。
不過大家報團前,最好聽吓曾多次到兩極探險嘅攀山專家鍾健民意見,「我去過北極兩次, 南極三次,真係冇試過喺北極見到企鵝。」佢知道張副主席話北極有企鵝後都不禁失笑,「 如果有人擺隻企鵝去北極,唔排除企鵝可以喺北極生存嘅。」

何解北極冇企鵝,科學家估計可能同物種遷移或其他環境因素有關。鍾健民指香港人可以喺 海洋公園一次過睇晒企鵝、熊貓、中華鱘等各地動物,誤以為北極都咁熱鬧亦唔出奇,張國 鈞常識不足無傷大雅,「多啲人講環保問題始終係好事。」

除咗指北極有企鵝,張國鈞喺節目中話加拿大擬於「北極點以南」設陸軍訓練基地亦令人 頭,好多人想佢指出邊處係北極點以南;八方翻查資料,估計佢應該係想講加拿大總理到北 極圈以南視察時,表示想在北極設基地,張國鈞亂點一通,差之毫釐,豈只千里?

張國鈞獨到見解可以出街,八方相信係因為台長麒叔噚日唔得閒先睇片,俾潛伏嘅反動派有 機可乘「陰」到民建聯,網上版已刪除「企鵝多」三個字,好彩可以 YouTube重溫,南北極可以倒轉,「竄改」歷史唔得呀!
網民嘲諷民建聯 成功爭取北極有企鵝
(明報)2009年6月10日 星期三 05:05

【明報專訊】上年民建聯 陳克勤一句「try our breast」令佢一夜成名,噚日民建聯副主席張國鈞又「揚威」網上。本身係律師嘅張 國鈞,噚日喺港台 節目《左右紅藍綠》上,講咗一句「一直以來,北極 都係一個非常寧靜,人少企鵝多嘅地方」,有網民即時將段片上載YouTube 同大家分享,改咗個標題係「民建聯成功爭取北極有企鵝」,認真搞笑。


其實好多人都知道,企鵝只喺南極出現,但係張國鈞就話北極係企鵝多嘅地方,Emily 打電話畀張國鈞了解事件,佢都知自己講錯,但解釋話佢原本想講環保議題,希望由北極帶 起,自己臨時「爆肚」,隨口噏幾句介紹北極,點知衰咗。


條片出街發,網民反應迅速,好快Facebook已經有個新group﹕「青年民建聯 主席張國鈞話北極有好多企鵝 ! 促請民建聯舉辦『北極企鵝觀賞團』由佢擔任團長 陳克勤帶領搓企鵝胸!」

港台都算好幫忙,Emily噚晚再上港台網站重溫片段時,「企鵝多」嘅字幕已被刪走, 張國鈞講嘅時候,呢3個字就無咗聲,但係明明佢個嘴郁郁吓,但就無聲幾秒,都幾突兀。 雖然張國鈞講錯嘢,但都好有阿Q精神,佢同Emily講,過往呢類節目都無乜人留意, 如果今次失誤可以令人留意到環境保護,咁都算因禍得福。短片網址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AbxOF62nd8

1000th Post.

Unexpectedly, this is the 1001th post of this blog.... Wow, I'm impressed..... seeing all my friends blogs which are long forgotten and rotting.... i feel great to know I'm still writing blog on a regular basis..... (Youtube has a lot to do with me reaching the thousand mark)

Nothing too dramatic lately....

Forgot to mention in last entry, I had a great verbal debate with Jonathan after gym..... it's good to have some mind challenge once in a while, just to keep the brain moving.... and thanks for the different opinions on the June Fourth Incident.

Today, Gym around lunchtime..... the sky keep raining..... was in a bad mood the whole day. Went for a movie, "Terminator Salvation".... good graphics, but the plot is somewhat weak.... a 75 marks only.

Some of the police candidates got their offers already..... Will I be able to join them in this batch?

PS. Travel photos uploaded on facebook. Take it as a Vlog..... Seeing is way better than writing.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Beijing hinders CNN report with umbrellas

Shame on the Chinese Government.

The Ting Tings - That's not my name


Very tired these few days.

3 till 8th went for Beijing. Was in Tiananmen Square right on 4th of June..... feeling so heavy for what happened 20 years ago.....

Have some unexpeted holiday, my work resume on thursday for one more week.

Still waiting on police offer.

Was in a bad mood today, after hearing the inconvenient truth... well..... i dont know, maybe the sooner the better? I'm wandering again.

Time to sleep, will write till I get my travel photos organized.

PS. Work out today is awesome.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

What an answer!

Q: 為咩著短裙又要著打底褲???

A: 如果一個女生著短裙而你又見到佢著左打底褲,咁就證明佢係做得啱。



Sunday, as expected, is spent on sleep.....

I kept wondering.... why am i always so sleepy?

Sunday night spent on gym, finished 4000m in 25 mins. Not a satisfactory time, gotta work harder soon.

Monday, nothing much but work... my mind has started drifting to far far away.... like the days i will soon have in police training camp......

Feeling I'm wasting time in clinic more and more, I'd rather spend time tidying up my room and get myself prepared.