Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hectic days.


Seems like I'm lost in work again.


Just simply crazily busy at work...

Tedious, minor tasks everyday... but yet... each one of them is how they judge an inspector...

Seemingly... my luck was only fair.... though not with extremely heavy workload, but my work need a lot of back-and-forth before getting it done... Really.... it can be quite tiring at times.


I start to hate my 7-11 life... work is occupying my whole day and left me with no time whatsoever for socializing.... Felt so lonely at times...



Hoping for a upward turn. I have had enough lately.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Time to write some thoughts here before I lost my memory.

I was posted to a new CID team. (Maybe a good thing for me.... I was really struggling with the workload of my previous team... maybe too many complex cases?)

New people means adaptation, but thankfully, the team seems very sharp. And the previous inspector did not leave too many stuff behind.... so it's okay for me.

I started to taste the joy, and the bitterness of CID life.

The joy was the detection of a crime case, planning the strategy and capture the offenders...

Bitter was the workload that follow afterwards...

I have no idea why time seems so limited on every case.... the minute you got the person arrested, the next minute you are planning on your upcoming few days' action, and get prepared!!! It's a tough task but I was well advised by my sergeant... so it's okay thus far...


Cant believe I can really work on 19 hours straight just on one case..... and I can forsee more to come.....


Whilst I was enjoying myself at work... there are always other aspect in life that I am forgoing....

Friendship, Love and Family.... Are all these an equal trade off??

I am confused...


Why can't life be simple?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another week.

Becoming more and more amnesic lately.

Yes, it's busy as hell.... but the memories pass like a breeze...

Waking up in shambles everyday... dead walking to office and do my work...

I was feeling numb... arrest, no arrest... I dont care that much... as long as I get the work done...

Feeling the pressure of my post... too many things happening at the same time.

Or maybe, my subconciousness just told me to filter all the unhappy memories... 4 years felling from height and dead... suicidal mom with her child missing... such horrible events kept happening each day...

Maybe, afterall.... being indifferent is not too bad.

I must stay strong.


At such turbulent time... I need to find my anchor.

Can I depend on you?

Sunday, December 04, 2011

王菲 - 我願意

No matter how bizarre the act may seems, if it can make you happy, I'll definite do it.

"Something stupid"

Friday, December 02, 2011

Life... dragging on.

Life in crime is not easy.

I'm currently living in a depressed stage...

It seems... I'm busy for nothing... the work is overwhelming me on every aspect...

Everything takes time... isnt it?


It's December already...

Almost one year.

The first few steps is always the hardest... I'm still working on it.

Looking forward to Saturday.