Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things and Feelings that i hate.

Hate Coffee.... for bringing me sleepless night....

Hate studying... You know what i mean...

Hate the feeling of losing connection... Out of Sync...

Where is the usual co-ordinated feeling?

Back to work.... Finally.

It's time to start working...

First ever Monday without 'monday syndrome'.... probably i'm bored by the prolonged rest as well....

Seen so many pregnant women on one morning.... giving birth is really a sacred thing... got somebody under your skin for 10 months... never leaving for a single second.... must be a wonderful feeling~~

Freed myself a bit by shopping around and having fun... APM, Kowloon Bay, Mong Kok.... that's really wonderful experience.... thanks.

Watched movie 'protege' (starring Daniel Wu, Andy Lau).... pretty good movie... especially the focus on heroin is really something... kept me thinking for the whole day...

Emptiness.... how horrible.

It's good to be dead.... for there are no more troubles the living need to face.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Still movies and songs...

Nothing special done... just becoming insomnious in some nights lately.....

That is why i have the time for movies... i'll watch one at night to make me real tired and sleep... or sometimes i'll just let it run and start thinking... but anyways.... the movie i watched last night is "Taxi Driver" by Robert De Niro.... all-time classic... what more can i say about it?

When a man is under some sort of problem or stress.... his act can sometimes be quite incomprehensible... know what i mean?

It's the best time to listen to good songs when studying.... and today's recommendation is 許茹芸... great diva with wonderful voice... and her songs are real great as well~

My personal recommendations: 執著, 看透, 如果下個路口遇見你

And thanks my dear cousin Janice for this:

MARY STEVENSON: “Footprints In The Sand”

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints. Other times, there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord, "You promised me, Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of prints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you."

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Thanks Adam Sandler... for making yet another lovely movie...

Apart from his sense of humour, his movies are also pretty inspirational... Click, Anger management, Waterboy, Big Daddy (and 50 first dates?)... saw another good one last night. "Mr. Deeds".... Simple is the best.... Simple people, simple life... how brilliant.

Has included a passage i read today and a very nice song i listened to lately. Enjoy.

"I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions"

走開 - 葉念琛

有 次 到 朋 友 家 飯 聚 , 好 客 豪 爽 的 他 拿 出 上 價 的 紅 酒 跟 一 眾 好 友 品 嚐 , 此 時 , 朋 友 的 女 朋 友 剛 好 經 過 , 朋 友 斟 了 一 杯 傳 給 女 友 , 還 附 加 一 句 信 心 保 證 的 推 介 : 「 來 ! 喝 一 杯 , 很 好 喝 的 ! 」 怎 料 女 友 一 點 反 應 也 沒 有 , 反 而 不 知 好 歹 大 發 嬌 嗔 : 「 你 每 次 也 是 這 樣 說 , 每 次 也 難 喝 透 頂 ! 」 女 友 拋 下 一 句 話 便 徐 徐 遠 去 , 獨 剩 下 碰 得 一 鼻 子 灰 的 朋 友 沒 好 氣 的 哭 笑 不 得 。

我 在 旁 目 睹 朋 友 的 尷 尬 樣 子 , 倒 是 有 點 替 他 高 興 , 雖 然 女 友 好 像 連 半 點 面 子 也 不 給 他 ! 但 回 心 細 想 , 其 實 兩 個 人 之 間 的 相 處 , 貴 乎 坦 誠 , 珍 於 忠 實 , 因 為 我 愛 的 人 是 你 , 彼 此 之 間 又 已 經 不 需 再 戴 假 面 具 討 好 對 方 , 有 碗 話 碗 , 有 碟 話 碟 , 說 話 儘 管 有 機 會 說 得 太 盡 , 但 不 代 表 我 是 不 顧 你 的 感 受 , 雙 方 當 然 知 道 各 自 的 底 線 在 哪 ! 最 重 要 是 我 從 沒 存 心 要 你 難 受 , 你 仔 細 回 味 , 驀 然 回 首 , 最 了 解 你 的 人 永 遠 是 我 , 其 實 你 還 是 珍 惜 世 上 竟 有 像 我 一 個 願 意 不 怕 開 罪 你 , 你 做 得 不 好 時 , 我 會 鼓 起 勇 氣 上 前 直 斥 其 非 , 當 好 話 聽 得 太 多 , 肯 說 真 話 的 人 偏 偏 少 之 又 少 , 於 是 你 更 會 覺 得 我 的 地 位 無 可 取 代 。

有 朋 友 時 常 抱 怨 伴 侶 在 她 發 脾 氣 的 時 候 , 總 是 不 懂 把 握 時 間 哄 回 她 開 心 , 於 是 引 伸 地 想 他 一 定 已 經 不 愛 自 己 。 但 我 反 而 更 加 恭 喜 朋 友 , 她 終 於 找 到 一 個 真 正 相 愛 的 人 。 朋 友 性 格 喜 怒 無 常 , 動 輒 一 天 便 發 三 次 脾 氣 , 心 情 如 天 氣 變 幻 莫 測 , 能 跟 她 相 依 相 隨 , 不 離 不 棄 絕 對 是 經 年 的 修 為 , 痛 苦 的 考 驗 。 男 友 學 懂 了 在 她 的 內 心 翻 起 暴 風 雨 的 時 候 知 難 而 退 , 待 雨 過 天 青 之 際 重 新 現 身 , 為 的 只 是 珍 惜 跟 她 一 起 相 知 相 遇 的 喜 樂 期 。 愛 一 個 人 , 不 應 永 遠 的 順 從 和 討 好 , 適 當 時 候 走 開 而 不 是 靠 近 , 說 一 句 真 話 而 不 是 好 話 , 微 微 忤 逆 一 下 對 方 的 意 思 , 愛 當 中 應 能 包 容 一 份 求 同 存 異 的 胸 襟 , 才 是 最 真 實 寶 貴 的 愛

Way Back Into Love

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere

I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end

There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love

And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Watched "Click" last night.... got a click feeling when watching it...

Why do men always make the wrong decision?

Why cant they learn to treasure?

How many of us... can be as fortunate as Adam Sandler in the film... have a second chance?

Worst still... What if he screw up with his hard earned chance? Plead for the third time?

Too much thinking...

Family comes first.... I shall remember that.

Never to lose a single chance in life.

If I am giving another chance... I am clinging to it real tight... For I can now see.

Please have faith.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Feel ready now.

Time to focus on my exam.

Nice song.

I Don't Wanna Be - 張學友

若隱若現 我直以為看不見 
輕聲氣語 我還以為聽不見 

算來算去 身上總是缺了一件 
夜以繼日 慾望就要接近無限 
不停奔波 到底什麼得到改變 

總有那麼一天 打開我的雙眼 
驚覺時間早已流逝 再也沒有機會

I don't wanna be 忘記生命不斷工作的機器 
I don't wanna be 追求一切最後得到總是零 
I don't wanna be 欺騙自己直到心靈都矇蔽 
當我覺得後悔的時候 我還能怎麼挽回

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Once again....

I feel lost.

Where is my guilding light?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Around the globe.

Love the clouds so much... so much closer to heaven than earth...

Of course... the sunrise is lovely~

Thanks Irwin for the ride, and happy retirement to you too... May you find great joy and peace in your post-retirement days... what a retirement party you have ^^ It's the longest time i've ever been air-lifted... guess i can reach Mars with the same time air-bourne should i be riding the rocket~

I heard this song when passing greenwich.

傷心換日線 - 張智成

節奏怨曲不夠怨 素性轉聽「心太軟」
配襯這機艙更見 淒酸

按照我起點計算 你我已分手了將一天

我們就算 無復甜蜜與新鮮愛情
就算 平淡如飛機餐點
錯分的手可否 不算



你的深宵三點 我的清晨七點
難道你和我 經已 從此相差一天
無法令你讓我贖回 命裡最是錯一天

或許這苦戀 仍有彎可轉

很想知 怎樣換日再偷天

很想知 怎樣換日再偷天
或可 扭轉 情感的凶險

很想知 怎樣換日再偷天
早知今天 回到你的身邊

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Understanding Pain

If... understanding pain makes me a better person... I'd say I am a man good enough.

Got a CT to rule out possible spinal chord injury... the numbness of right shoulder is only due to neuroplexia of the Spinal Accessory Nerve... I hope it's only to heal soon enough... I want no more pain lingering on my back....

Not even the strongest analgesic can alleviate my pain.... what can i do?

One of my wish in this Chinese New Year is a healthy body.

Happy CNY everyone!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Whiplash damage.

Suffered from a stiff neck.

Accidentally ramped my head in a car.... resulting in a whiplash damage to the neck...

Now having trouble turning my head or looking down. Pain is also ellicited when i try to change my sleeping posture. Prolong bed rest indicated.

During my rest today... different dreams (weird one) appear....

Dreamed of the past, dreamed of the future, dreamed of those which i truly scared of...

It's horrified to see myself in the extraction key-skill again.... only this time i have made a mess out of it.... an alveolar fracture and the LA doesnt work.... that's scary enough....

Well though.... i still hope some of my dreams will come true... coz some of them are truely what i wanted.

從來未走遠... 一直都在你身後等待... 守著承諾... 等你

Stress Lover.

Found myself once fallen to stress.... only this time... I have fallen in love with it.

Never realize how good I can be when dealing with great stress... when facing 2 professors in the extraction exam today.... i just did great.

With questions raining down and little time to organize my answer, i have decided to speak out straight from my experience... it so happened that without thinking too much.... I did much better than i would have.

Picking up the forcep to extract the tooth... everything go flawless along way... from giving anesthesia, to explaination of procedure, to patient care, the actual removal of tooth only took me 20 seconds... a clean extraction with good post-operative treatment.... explained to patient everything related and the patient is satisfied.

Estoy satisfecho con mi trabajo.

A glimmer of hope of being a surgeon once again start to sparkle.

If I really want to do it... it will be done somehow.

Valentine's Day... it's a day not only meant for lovers, but also for people you love...

Had a wonderful evening with family...

Suddenly found that the nightview in HK is really wonderful... glad i am in this city.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Goodnight everyone.

So focused on my clinical exam tomorrow... nothing can distract me for now.

Everything... leave it till tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

男 孩 子 跟 女 孩 子 因 為 一 點 誤 會 , 互 不 瞅 睬 了 三 個 月 。

女 孩 子 在 月 前 的 凌 晨 時 分 , 曾 經 發 了 一 通 奇 怪 的 短 訊 給 男 孩 子 , 短 訊 的 內 容 是 : 「 你 究 竟 知 不 知 道 我 們 為 什 麼 不 能 做 朋 友 ? 」 如 果 短 訊 是 有 語 氣 的 話 , 這 通 短 訊 充 滿 懷 疑 、 憤 慨 、 無 奈 和 惆 悵 。 男 孩 子 心 知 肚 明 跟 女 孩 子 的 怨 懟 來 自 彼 此 的 另 一 位 女 性 朋 友 , 女 孩 子 跟 那 個 她 不 太 咬 弦 , 但 偏 偏 男 孩 子 跟 她 卻 過 從 甚 密 , 身 邊 的 人 悄 悄 傳 到 女 孩 子 耳 邊 都 是 他 跟 她 的 一 些 旖 旎 傳 聞 。 女 孩 子 愈 聽 愈 是 不 快 和 不 甘 心 。 男 孩 子 跟 女 孩 子 本 來 是 有 機 會 關 係 循 序 漸 進 , 就 是 因 為 那 個 她 , 男 孩 子 和 女 孩 子 之 間 , 總 是 不 知 不 覺 的 相 隔 了 一 道 鴻 溝 , 進 退 維 谷 。

收 到 那 通 短 訊 後 , 男 孩 子 喜 出 望 外 , 他 高 興 女 孩 子 終 於 又 願 意 跟 自 己 重 新 聯 絡 上 , 男 孩 子 二 話 不 說 連 忙 致 電 給 女 孩 子 , 可 是 , 電 話 打 了 一 通 又 一 通 , 也 是 沒 人 接 聽 。

日 前 , 男 孩 子 在 一 個 派 對 上 跟 女 孩 子 偶 遇 上 , 彼 此 各 坐 在 自 己 朋 友 的 一 桌 , 男 孩 子 和 女 孩 子 隔 桌 子 不 止 一 次 偷 偷 互 望 對 方 , 眼 神 都 有 點 猶 豫 有 點 不 捨 。 男 孩 子 和 女 孩 子 偷 偷 互 發 短 訊 給 對 方 : 「 我 差 不 多 要 走 了 , 想 跟 我 聊 聊 嗎 ? 」 、 「 那 你 坐 過 來 吧 ? 」 、 「 不 如 你 過 來 ? 」 、 「 你 那 邊 的 人 我 不 想 應 酬 ! 」 、 「 我 也 是 ! 」 、 「 那 在 吧 等 好 嗎 ? 」 、 「 … … 」 。 派 對 上 , 歡 天 喜 地 , 觥 籌 交 錯 , 偏 偏 卻 有 一 對 男 女 靜 默 不 語 , 保 持 距 離 地 溝 通 中 , 他 們 礙 於 自 尊 , 始 終 鼓 不 起 勇 氣 親 熱 地 靠 近 對 方 , 因 為 被 自 我 所 困 , 他 倆 的 關 係 注 定 難 以 更 進 一 步 … …


放在我手心裡 你的真心"

Living dead again....

Once again...

Hate my busy schedule...

It feels really bad only to find myself half-waking... but have to get up and treat patient...

Never got the time to slow down... leave alone study...

Exam on tomorrow morning.... what can i do?
Finally the floor festival is over...

Time... for myself again.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Thank You.

Thank you... for letting me know myself.

Your comment, out from pure sentiment... speak my heart. I could never put it the same way myself.

Friends are always friends for life.

但遇到你 連雲端都鑲滿光

並未擁吻 然而比相擁瞭解

就似相戀的人 相好的關係
親密度像個謎 誰離別或留低
不死的關係 癡纏如同婚禮
名份只得心照 我怕我不會計

謝絕戀愛 有你一起不會死
紅顏怎比得起我們知己 連

就似相戀的人 相好的關係
親密度像個謎 誰離別或留低
不死的關係 癡纏如同婚禮
名份只得心照 我怕我不會計
幸福的婚禮 也不足以代替"

No promise...

Mind... disoriented.

Getting sick of getting sick... the body give a constant reminder whenever my mood is low...

No more promises to people... I never have doubt in myself, i'll do what i need to do, it's how much you feel and trust that mattered.


一言為定 - 黎明

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Learn to treasure.

I used to be too passive...

Relying on the 'wait and see' approach,

believing things will get right themselve someway or another...

I was wrong...

More procrastination... more wrongs and mistakes in between... things got so bad that is beyond repair...

I start crying over spilt milk... never realize i am neglecting people/things around me.... make me pay a even higher price...

No longer want this kind of life again...

Take one more step, treasure what i have around me...


First outdoor post.

Thanks to technology... I can finally write wherever i wanted to...

Though the keypad on my mobile is still too inconvenient.

Currently at Stanley, sitting on the beach, enjoying the breeze, gazing at the deep blue sea, laid on the sand, staring at the distant stars, listening to the tides...

Beautiful life can be simple, isnt it?

Friday, February 09, 2007



猜... 猜... 猜...


我一直都在 - 林稷安,程于倫

遙望著你背影 有孤單太蒼白
我多麼想陪著你 走過人山人海

當天空變灰白 你的憂傷澎湃
我多麼想走進你 緊鎖的心海

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 回過頭看我

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 能感覺到我

當天空變灰白 你的憂傷澎湃
我多麼想走進你 緊鎖的心海

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 回過頭看我

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 能感覺到我

我鼓起勇氣吶喊 你要聽得見
我不許你再孤單 要你擁抱我給的溫暖

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 回過頭看我

我一直都在 你身後等待
等你有一天 能感覺到我

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Thanks to every player's contribution and dedication, we have won this year's Dental Interclass Soccer Championship.

Still remember last year's final... just because of some stupid mistakes have cost us the trophy.... we have all vowed "誓殺一零"

This year, we have finally made it.

3-0 victory over class 10.

We have fight it back with our own hands.

Proud and delighted.... but all of a sudden... I feel hollow...

What's the point of winning? There are more important agenda in life.

沒有你, 贏了世界又如何?

Hear me, will you?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


走自己的路, 將來會怎麼, 到多遠,


與其將來後悔, 我寧願現在行出一步...

隨心出發, 感覺從不說謊...


Tuesday, February 06, 2007



請... 好好戀愛...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Thanks to everyone around me.

Thanks for every advice.

Attitude is everything, and it's time for me to have some change.

Thanks for the movie, Blood Diamond is quite a good movie, and DiCarpio's acting is getting better by each film~

Went back to La Salle for the Open day... 5 years has passed already... um.... i still feel lost in this big big world... expecting the next open day, what kind of person i will become at that time?

Suddenly, feel so tired about my life... i just want a break to revitalize myself.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Thank You... for giving me shelter.

In your place I can finally off-load my worries and burdens... speak my heart and feel relaxed...

It's too cruel to be an adult... it's a relief when i can finally act childish...

Thank you once again for allowing me to do all these.

P.S. Sorry for dozing off at your place.... I must be too tired lately...

Time to work again~

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Feeling my own weakness...

I can become so depressed at times...

Times when i am alone...

Thinking of the past...

When can i live through all these?

Or maybe...

I can never.

So let it be it.

I will forever live in darkness...

In a no man's land...
