Friday, October 31, 2008

How much life do you need?

Lately, have been thinking about this question for some time already.

Especially when all my friends are persuading me to join saving plans. I kept wondering, what's the point of saving up if i dont know when my life will end? Maybe i wont make it to the day when my bonds are matured.....

To me, at this stage, i dont look forward to a long life. I just need a life long enough that i can take care of my parents and preferably enjoy life for a couple years (say 5~), then i dont mind dying...

I knew this is quite pathetic thought and might not be true as i dont have my family yet.... but still.... Death is something that nobody can escape. Take it lightly can make your life easily sometimes.

I will still participate in the saving plans, always save up for the unknown, that's why the chinese are successful (considering the situation of them in this financial crisis)

Gotta sleep. Needa work again.

Happy Halloween Everyone.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Michael Jackson - Thriller

Paying tribute to an once omnipotent dance god.

His dance moves are/were so good.

Work... 沒結果.

Easily get bored and tired lately.


I'm waiting.... for a chance.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Extremely sleepy now, my writing may be incoherent...

Work's okay today.

I had an eye for good fashion. I need a model tho.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy weekend.

Friday. Work as usual. Night spent with James, Jonathan, Kathy and Sally for dinner and drink.... must be getting old.... got so tired and sick after 2 pints of beer and ended up with an acute gastritis that i vomited badly later that night..... shame.

Saturday. What's worse than a hangover? A hangover morning with work to do..... woke so early in the morning and got be to work.... >.< The afternoon spent sleeping (i really needed that sleep).

Sunday. Asked Winnie and Angie out for tea. Had an urge for movie badly that i ended up going for movie on solo. "Tropical Thunder" by Ben Stiller. You can view it as an up-class 'scary war movie' series..... only this time it's starred with the likes of Ben and Jack Black.... well.... worth a laugh tho.

Went back to hall for the match between Chelsea and Liverpool, which Liverpool came out the deserved winner by one goal margin ^^ Hurray. Breaking the Chelsea's undefeated home record in 4 years is a great plus.

Nothing had changed much since i left hall. Didnt meet many freshmen. Most of the people i met are still the familiar faces..... which is lovely. Cant resist to stay for a night and memorize the feeling when i can wake in the late afternoon for tea (tho sadly i still wake around 10)..... Surely if i had the chance i will go back more often. Such good times.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Joke of today.

Speak from the deepest part of my heart.

Working hard.

After last week's slacking life. Life pretty much resumed to normal this week. With loads of patient coming in for exam and treatment... which is good. Considering the fact that it's even more boring to be employed and 'sit & wait'.....

Enjoyed a great dinner with Grandmum. She's aging so quickly lately. (Fortunately she's still humourous and she agreed to buy a Mark Six with me so that we can get rich together.)

Fell in love with TV drama lately. I can stare at the TV box blankly withouth thinking a thing. That's a great relaxation.

Gotta sleep now. Work tomorrow and expecting a great meal with friends. Finally a full reunion with Jon, Kat, Sally and James in 5 years. Hurray~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Too lazy to give title.

Having conversation with God lately (Hold on, dont think I've gone nuts yet).... what i mean is... in my free time i'll sometimes think of the religious question (which some I'm still searching for answers).... It's quite a enlightening procedure, especially knowing the meaning in the script of Bible. (However, I still have absolutely no idea what the church is doing......) I'll just wait and see.

Work goes okay today. Feeling good when I can extract all 4's from patient's mouth within 20 mins (without any complications). Just my lucky day, considering the experience i had with 2 upper premolar last week.

Afterwork went out with James, who didnt change much even after all these years. Still as skinny as before. Happy time flies (though working time move like snail). Looking forward to our JIC reunion.

Inspired by Jeff last night. I think it's now time for me to work out my saving plan..... I want to own my own house ASAP (most reasonable time will be 2 years from now. When the stock and property market is supposedly the lowest)..... gotta work hard for that.

Feeling good after gym tonight.... but my stomach is starving.... need to sleep soon before i turn for late dinner that's gonna ruin all my plans. Till next time then.

PS. Happy B-day to C Hing Kennon ^^ All the best in Cheung Du~
PS2. Joke of the day: "Baseball is all wrong. A Man with four BALLS can't possibly WALK."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lazy and Underemployed.

Pretty much to write this time..... Only too little time.

I was so so so lazy this weekend..... did nothing productive but spending.... It's real joy though.

Friday's work is pretty much as usual. Didnt linger at office for a single second and i headed to Central to join Jeff for the Ocean Park's Halloween Activities. This year the attractions are somewhat better than last year's. However (maybe I'm just too prepared for it) they've failed to scare me at all..... pretty disappointed..... next time i must find someone who will be and can be scared.... just not this combination ^^

The most enjoyable event in the whole night turns out to be the Cable car ride. Always, spending time with close friend is priceless. I really enjoyed our conversation.

Went for movie (3D Nightmare before Christmas. Classic) and drink. Hang around till late night that day. Only went to bed at 4 something......

Waking on Saturday afternoon feeling the sun's burning my skin.... it's already 2 something. Read for a while till night..... and wasted the whole day.

Sunday. Morning and Afternoon for lectures.... gosh, i missed my free time >.< Night had dinner with ceci at Mong Kok, where i also ran in to a number of old hallmates.... pretty fun night.

Today. Finally feel like I'm being underemployed after the 4 consecutive long weekend.... I'm afraid when i really have to switch to another job, i just cant adapt to it >.< Got woke up by friends early in the morning and couldnt fall back to sleep again. Went out to Kowloon Bay for Bowling and Shopping...... A trip to IKEA always brought me with new ideas for my room (especially when I might soon move)......

Night with Jeff again. All the best to his new job~

Got a surprise call from James on weekend. He's back in HK now. So apart from Alvin all my friends are back to this tiny city. Life's gonn be fun again. (this is the first time i ever mention James in my blog, coz he's been disappeared for too long, even before i switched to blogspot. Welcome to my world James)

God. Religion.

Christian. Catholic.

I'm having some trouble lately. Just dont push me. I'll find my way in a slow manner.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Dayoff.

Wow... it's just such an incredible week. Only 3 days of work required (well, this is due to some technical errors tho.... I got a full week next week) But still, a holiday is a good day and i've made most out of it.

Changed my looks (Some said I now have a very typical MK look, which i denied but admit a bit of Japanese influence has made me look "punk" right now. Well, as usual, i dont sell looks, so as long as i feel good about myself, i'm okay.) by having an hair cut and some new clothes.

Dated Sister for a dine out and movie, "Vicky Christina Barcelona" by Woody Allen. Shame that i still havent watched "Matchpoint" so i cant make a comparison out of it. It's a good movie with lots of dilemma that one shall/will face at some point of their life.... Prett interesting ending too.

I love the notion, "We are meant for each other and not meant for each other. It's a contradiction."

Tomorrow gonna work hard and enjoy Ocean Park afterwork ^^ Looking forward to it.

Gym now. Will write next time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finesse or Force?

Pretty home-bound and bed-bound over the last few days.

Saturday. Work in the morning. Then spent the afternoon 'yum cha' with family and ending up dozing off at granny's place.

Sunday. Home-bound.

Monday. Day off. So it's another home-bound day. In the afternoon went to church by the invitation of my aunt.... things didnt go too bad. Though I've got many questions in my mind still.... I dunno... there's still time.

Tuesday. Work after some holiday. Totally exhausted. Especially when extracting long pre-molars for orthodontic reason.... Who said Dentistry is all about finesse. What a total nonsense.... It's all about FORCE~~~

Almost time to sleep.... gotta wake early for tmr work again.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Work didnt go too bad for the last 2 days.

My body building schedule is severely delayed (if not postponed) for everyday i got home with aches on my back and shoulder..... i simply cant lift any weights without hurting myself...... that's bad....

Time is so precious..... I'd now do anything to maximize my playing/private time~

Gotta work tomorrow..... so now it's really time to sleep.... but still want to write a bit more here.....

Feel so loved by friends lately~ I love you all~

Belated happy birthday to my sister and friends, may everyone with good health and the best this year. (Special wish to Sister Kathy, a lovely wedding and happy ever after ^^)

Gonna try more, see more and explore more.....

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I'm a large dynamite with a long fuse, but when it get to the bottom i explode.... and with a loud bang....

The negativity around me is too large lately... Not even a dinner meeting with sister and friends is going to cheer me up...

I mean.... Why so serious?

Got to find another way out. (Possibly out of the field...)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Congrads to Liverpool for their excellent comeback match against mega-money Man City. What a thrilling match.

Another congrads for the 1000th Premiership League goal.... excellently scored by Fernando Torres!!!

Liverpool for life. You'll never walk alone.

PS. My life is now stuck... if not trailing from behind already.... so frustrating. I wish I can break this deadlock one way or another....

Monday, October 06, 2008


Dont know why.... my back hurts a lot since i woke up this morning.... gosh.... need some NSAIDs for that.

Thankful to my friends.... I had a lovely weekend.

My work on Friday is a total disaster... Dont know why but at this point I'm quite fed up with my job... Anyone got good employment opportunities? Please let me know.

Really busy Friday night which I've attended a couple of dinners. Great to meet with old friends and make new ones. BTW Peking Road 1 has a wonderful view.

Later that night was in LKF for fun and even later was with floormates for our usual activity in (celebration?) memory of the soon-to-be-leaving Kennon : P

Saturday was for rest. Couple of good movies that day.

Bad news struck on Sunday afternoon.... originally i've a lovely 4 day-off (with Sat and Sun, Monday day off and Tue public holiday).... Screw my boss for asking me to come back to 'observe' him doing the surgery (and to withstand his verbal assault....)... Gosh... I miss my holiday.....

Sunday. Was invited to Alan Pong's dinner..... the attendees are so diversified.... um... Alan Pong and friends..... i guess the only similarity being all of us were RC guys....

I guess it's now time to sleep..... write again next time.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Feeling lost...

Thursday, October 02, 2008


日本: 在人流不息的東京銀座廣場,一個男子不小心刮開了一個單身女人的超短裙。男人還沒有開口,那個單身女人一個90度的大鞠躬:不好意思,給您添麻煩了!都怪裙子的質量不好......說完,取出一個別針別好,又匆匆走掉。

美國: 紐約在人來人往的時代廣場,一美國男子不小心刮開了一美國單身女人的超短裙。美國男人還沒開口,那美國單身女人立刻從身上摸出一張名片來:這是我律師的電話,他會找你詳細談關於你性騷擾我的事情,你可以做好準備,我們法庭上見.....說完記下美國男子的姓名電話,揚頭走掉。

法國: 巴黎在聞名於世的凱旋門廣場上,一法國男子不小心刮開了一法國單身女人的超短裙。法國男人還沒開口,那法國單身女人咯咯一笑,然後細手搭肩的說道:如果你不介意的話,送我一枝玫瑰來向我道歉......說完。法國男人從花店買了一枝玫瑰,還請她去酒吧喝上一杯,然後兩人一起去一家小旅館再研究一下超短裙以內的事情了......

英國: 倫敦在泰晤士河邊的教堂廣場上,一英國男子不小心刮開了一英國單身女人的超短裙。英國男人還沒開口,那英國單身女人忙用手裡的報紙遮住裙子開了的部分,紅著臉說:先生,可以先送我回家嗎?我家就在前面不遠......說完。英國男人把自己的上衣脫下來,披在她上。叫了一輛 Taxi,安全的把她送到家,又換了一件裙子。

中國重慶: 在人頭簇動的解放碑前,一重慶男子不小心刮開了一重慶單身女人的超短裙。重慶男人還沒開口,那重慶單身女人揚手一記響亮的耳光,還抓住重慶男人的脖領子不放:你這個寶器!敢吃老**豆腐,跟我去見110去......

中國台灣西門町: 在台灣的西門町裡,一台客不小心刮開了一女學生的超短學生裙。台客還沒開口,那個女學生咯咯一笑,對著你說:價錢還沒談隆就要先看貨了啊!

中國香港銅鑼灣: 在人山人海的時代廣場,一中年男子不小心刮開了一年約18女生的超短裙。中年男人還沒有開口,那女生就開口:我x你**呀!你當我流架?你咪x走呀!我依家拖馬來收你皮

韓國斧山: 在斧山的街上,一中年男子不小心刮開了一年約18女生的超短裙。中年男人還沒有開口,那女生二話不說便踢出一個turning kick,然後冷冷地說:你不知道我可是跆拳道黑帶2段的嗎?

泰國曼谷: 在曼谷的街上,一中年男子不小心刮開了一年約18女生的超短裙。中年男人忙亂地道歉,那女生優雅地雙手合十於面前,緩慢地作一姿勢優美的敬禮,以嬌人欲滴的聲音說:先生…不要緊,其實我也是男人...

Wa Ha Ha again~

The Dark Bailout

Wa ha ha~

Need a bit of control.

Currently listening to Jay Chou's new albume.

Today, another day wasted.

Tomorrow will be a day of challenge. All on my own in UST and the patient list run a scary number of 27, just hope that nothing'd go too wrong tmr....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pay Day.

An utterly busy day today.

Life pretty much as usual in the morning.... with work piling up.... Got a bit of job satisfaction after restoring some grossly broken down teeth.... i hope i can have the same kind of joy after i perform surgery for my patients.

Got my first pay cheque of my life.... um... the figure is a bit low (worse that i've earned less salary than my assistant.... gosh) I'm now having trouble doing the MPF thing.... can anyone help me out on this?

Attended a couple of dinners tonight, yes, a couple.... starting from 5pm i've been constantly eating and drinking... till 3 at night..... all my friends are so relieved by the holiday tomorrow (Hurray to the People's Republic of China... best if you can have some more days of establishment ^^, such that we can have more day offs)

Met with my mates and the beloved ladies from MCS (originally i'd use the term girl... but somehow they've all grown up at an incredible pace.... am i just... getting old too fast?) It's been so much fun.

Another dinner gathering was with the usual SPOC members.... 6 people head for drinks and representing 6 different professions.... kinda interesting gathering.... hope such chat can be more often~

I'm not going to wake anytime soon once i fall asleep.... write later.