Thursday, November 30, 2006

Friend of Foe?

Rough, rough sleeping lately... constantly haunted by dreams... they are such a nightmare that keep me up whole night, or sometimes, they're sweet but i wake in the middle of the dream to see the cruel reality, that's when i almost go demented...

Received a rather unusual summon by my tutor.... he has referred me a case (originally handled by a junior of mine) with management problem..... I really cant judge his motive.... whether he is confidence in my patient management skills or is he just finding a scapegoat such that later he can put all the blame on me? I really cant tell...... All i want to do is to finish the case real fast and get him discharged from my patient care pool.....

Paid a visit to grandpa today, he seems quite okay but we're still worried over his condition.... how tiny human beings are....

Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me going crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive this romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Liar Liar... Jim Carrey

情迷大話王... 黎明

Proof is everything
Seeing is believing.

就是愛你 - 陶吉吉

我 一直都想對你說

說 你會永遠陪著我
做我的根 我翅膀
讓我飛 也有回去的窩

我願意 我也可以
付出一切 也不會可惜
就在一起 看時間流逝

就是愛你愛著你 有悲有喜
有你 平淡也有了意義
就是愛你愛著你 甜蜜又安心

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

All Blank.

Sorry for not writing here for the few days counting... everytime i wanted to start writing i just feel confused.... too much has happened in such short time and i could hardly accept them all...

Finally got my Aquamarine bracelet.... however... it is still waiting for its master...

It's so easy to run into people you know in CB.... just start thinking and there he/she goes, right in front of your eyes..... heard that my friends are not doing all too well lately.... just wish them luck and take care.

Gave tutorial on Sunday and created a whole lot of problems afterwards.... I'm willing to rectify the problem but i just dont know how...

Started to feel ill on Sunday night...

I believed my friends would agree that i am a person who rank friendship before romantic relationship... but this time, i might have to fail you... I'm going to do utmost, even to sacrifice, in order to maintain the relationship... it's a tough decision... but i have made up my mind.

Cold War.

學不會 - 吳克群

故事結束那天 天氣是怎樣的美
你在我的世界 來去自由的飛
我還陷在裡面 你早已投入另外情節

在我心裡 藏著一種美
你的笑容 好像還沒完全

學不會 望著你而沒有感覺
學不會 忽視你的美
學不會 翻故事最後一頁
學故事裡的狼狽 無聲頹廢 我學不會

在我心裡 藏著一種美


Saturday, November 25, 2006


Once again, I have put myself in another AGM situation.

Both liked it and hated it... the good thing about AGM is that it really bond the whole 'chong' together... that'll be some of their own collaborative memories, so precious.... it also give me the kind of pressure to drive me to do better, for i know i cant fail their expectations.... it is exactly this commitment giving me my drive and appetite for success....

But on the other hand. I hated the AGM so much that at some point of my life i have even sworn that i will never get involve in any one of them again (probably when i had just chaired serveral GMs or being the Returning Officer non stop for days...) What i dislike is the atmosphere when people are not trying to discuss, but to blame. It's always the easy part to lay a finger on somebody's else work and said improvements can be made..... but frankly.... can you do a better job when you're in charge? Do you really "THINK" you can do better than the one you're laying blame on? Grow up people... you're just naive and blind.

I always take AGM as a theater... the sheung chong need to 'act' in order to teach the next chong and when the sheung chong need to give excuses to their sheung chong as well..... okay, if you say this is the tradition, then it's okay... but mostly people are just over exploiting this occassion as a stage for him/her to show how superior he/she is than you.... it's not really meant to be like that.

As previously mention... AGM is just an act... what you see, what you hear may not be the complete picture of the fact (i didnt say they're lies though)..... they are just the 'script'.... script that keep its auidence happy..... for seeing is believing.... however... there are far more behind a report.... I've lost the momentum even to debate with them my decision for i knew things that they dont.... i'd rather keep it to myself... saying sorry for things that you havent done wrong is hard, but it's a more convenient way than to argue with all the people there~

Started feeling growing up for one more time....

I have not, in my previous entries, express my gratitudes towards the ADOC chongmates.... though we have conflicts and even fights during the preparation period, I truly regard all of you as brothers and sisters of mine.

Thanks Horace, for your patience and easiness;
Thanks Hon Ki, for your leadership;
Thanks Chow Fai, for your dedication;
Thanks Creamy, for your drive to perfection;
Thanks Jacky, for your encouragments;
Thanks Jo, for your constant flow of ideas;
Thanks Kai, for your planning.

Most important of all, We Have Made It. Without anyone of you all these will not be Possible. Thank You.

Congratulations for offically stepping down for the post.

"能愛著你 不怕寂寞
為你失眠 - 吳日言

Friday, November 24, 2006

Looking forward.

Went browsing the Hong Kong Dental Council webpage.... found my sister's entry in the registered dentist..... When will the same happen to me?

Missing my dear sister~


Suddenly.... missing the the previous me... the kind of single-minded, and the ability to do things according to what i think is right.... am i... really different after all these years?

Very impressed by the notes i made in year 1... i still find them useful up till this day... If i can do it then, i am sure i can do it now (more appropiately speaking... I MUST)

Once again.... back to a state when i no longer care about how the people sees me... that's their own business..... all i cared is me and the people i love.... that's it.

"In times of sadness and misery, from you eyes, I can always find faith and hope out of them."

愛是傻得起 - 黎明

大家不知結果 害怕甚麼

誰人若然被愛過 如何未曾受傷過
誰亦為執著結果 最後也賺到經過

來吧若然共我 險也冒過 不怕愛得傻
過來日才能渡過恩愛十年 會避免差錯
就算青春消磨 曾經快樂過 別辨認因果

愛是傻得起 或者只因跟你也受過傷才一起 

要有貪嗔愛恨才一起 忘掉道行我偏愛定你

承認舊時極好勝 還是舊時沒本領
懷念舊戀人笑聲 領會愛是個心境

談情在乎任性 想要盡慶不要太聰明
誰又明白共你可會白頭 趁現世高興
為你一刻激情 無需靠悟性 任命運註定

愛是傻得起 或者只因跟你也受過傷才一起 

要有貪嗔愛恨才一起 忘掉道行我偏愛定你

愛是傻得起 或者只因跟你也受過傷才一起 

要有貪嗔愛恨才一起 忘掉道行我偏愛定你

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Becoming more and more lazy these days... this is no good.

I wanna meet my friends soon~

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kawaii patient~

She's in her best dress...

Brining alone my favourite item when she came to see me this morning...

She's a patient of mine.

When i hold her hand... I was so nevous...

When she kissed me on my cheek... i melt....

When she said goodbye... my heart broke....

Who is this lady??

Wa Ha Ha..... she's my lovely 5 years-old paedo patient... never imagine she'd bring a Stitch doll with her to the dental chair... that really cheer me up~ Must study harder in Paedo..... for they are really lovely~

It's time to get serious finally.... i can feel the heat and the tense atmosphere. "Trust in thyself." That's what i believed.

........... Where are you now?

離人節 - 蔡依林

在我們的故事 寫下結局前 
請你 聆聽最後尾奏的音樂
幸福漸遠 心跳漸弱 
回音在休止符後停留了 好久

當每一個當下 變成過去後  
自由 也許是離人們的折磨 
在狂歡時寂寞 從絕望裡復活  
才明白愛會隨時間 逐漸成熟

從那一天 原諒你的瞬間
我不過情人節 我和未來不再相戀 
愛斷了線 於是我每天都過想你的離人節 
不再見面不代表我 不再對你想念
你是曾經的永遠 會永遠在我身邊

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Finally.... It's over.

The Faculty of Dentistry, Annual Dinner 2006 has ended.

Finally.... It's over....

No longer have to work nonstop through out the night or wake in the middle of a short nap just not to miss an important call....


Though with flaws in the programme and conflicts among the OCs..... but in the end, we have really enjoyed the event (but not the food though.... coz we're all too busy working.... didnt really taste the food there) and put on a good show..... that's what matters.

Touched when finally taking polaroid with OCs..... feels like time freezes and the best part of the night is forever engraved in my memory.

The lovely crystal now sitting on my desk shall remind me of the work and tears behind all these~

For now the work is finally over.... i can really spent some time to think and do things that i think is worthy..... leave alone what the others think.

Spent the day clean my room.... If i cant take good care of myself... how can others expect i can take care of them?

奇洛李維斯回信 - 薛凱琪

Saturday, November 18, 2006

我不難過... 可以嗎?


"我搞不懂 我們到底怎麼了
誠實的背後 是否住著傷口
我想不透 我們的愛怎麼了
雨下過以後 是否能讓什麼復活"
我們怎麼了 - S.H.E.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Still working....

So tired...

Got no mood to write too much..... just feeling sick....

but luckily the majority of things have been finished.

The Game's ready (it's a real good one..... if i dont have to worry about leaking the game before the dinner i will not be able to restrain myself in posting them here.)

Rundown has been rehearsed....

Present are almost ready....

Sponsorship is okay now...

Design finalized.....

Finally feel some confidence....
It's gonna be okay (assuming that i dont suddenly die when i am typing this entry.)

I miss home and hall..... the beds are so cozy....

Feeling indifferent to carbonated drinks already.... are there any difference among them?

I guess i am the one needing first aid treatment instead of learning them in class....

At War.....

In chamber of war right now.....

Guess what? At this time of the night..... all eight members of the annual dinner OC are now working in an internet cafe in CB.... diligently working on all situations that may come up on Saturday.....

Never feel so intense pressure.....

Brain cells slowly draining....

We cant be defeated..... it's a war we cant lose.

Have faith and confidence.....

We'll rock the stage!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Good Show.

Confidence.... this is what i needed most right now.

I can do it..... more appropiately.... We can do it.

Strive hard, Annual Dinner Organizing Committee. We will make a real good 'show' this saturday.

Please wish me luck.

W: No matter what you do... I have made my choice.

"I was Born to Love You - Queen"

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Never ever wanted to wander again.

Wandering mindlessly today, visit places filled with memories.... Shatin, Mong Kok, KCR platform, TST, Hung Hom, Central..... and of course...... the campus...

Grew so tired of wandering.

I am just scared... when you are not by my side.

If I was given the choice, I just wanted to let you know how much I wanted to stay with you for ever and ever.

To my Somebody, "To the world you maybe somebody, but to me, You are my World."

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Mood and condition was in record low this 2 days.

Totally exhausted...

You know how frustrating is it to doze off in a bus and found that you have ended up in aberdeen cause you just cant wake? This happen to me far too common this week already..... I am sure if there is one more sleepless night that would mark the end of my life.... my body just cant take it anymore.....

紀念... 紀念日...

笑忘書 - 張敬軒

要 背負個包袱 再 跳落大峽谷
煩惱 用個大網將你捕捉
還是你 拋不開拘束
你 昨夜發的夢 到這夜已告終
沉下去 頭上散落雨點沒有彩虹
你 還在抱著記憶 就似塊石頭很重

得到同樣快樂 彼此亦有沮喪 
經過同樣上落 彼此墮進灰網 
沉溺 煩擾 磨折 何苦 多講

我 快樂到孤獨 我 缺乏到滿足
遊戲 就算愉快不會幸福
人大了 開心都想哭
我 每日要生活 我 每日要鬥苦
捱下去 連上帝亦也許沒法攙扶我 
前路有右與左 面對抉擇難兼顧

得到同樣快樂 彼此亦有沮喪 
經過同樣上落 彼此墮進灰網 
沉溺 煩擾 磨折 何苦 多講

擁有同樣寄望 彼此亦有苦況
經過同樣跌盪 可會學會釋放
童話 情書 遺書 尋找 答案

Monday, November 13, 2006


Got a pretty ordinary weekend.

Finally realize it's been too long since i was last at home sleeping on my bed..... such a strange feeling...

More and more feeling that life has changed.... no longer interested in things that i used to.....

Also feeling that my body can no longer keep up with all the work loads..... grew tired all the time lately.....

I guess it's soon time to sleep.....

In remorse.... it's soon going to be one year.

Dilemma: If Kurt Cobain is true. "It's better to burn out than to fade away."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

At Work.

Loaded (or even overloaded) myself for work today..... feel.... so how..... quite good about it.

Really enjoying to put myself in a position that i cant back off... point of no return is reached.

Working hard, Playing hard... that's my philosophy.

A sincere thank you to you. You've enlightened me.

Looking forward to the work on tomorrow.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


What a child i am.

Failing, in even taking care of my own self.

Losing nights of sleep just because of one word you said.

Never know what and when to treasure.... all i did is crying over spilled milk.

Never know how fortunate i was when having your love on me.... until i actually lost it.

A lot of wrongs have been done... they can only be forgiven not forgotten.

This young boy now realize, how important you mean in his life.

He wanted to change and grow.

Are you, still willing to give him faith?

You must love me - Madonna

Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all, you believed in me
I believed in you

Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive?
How do we keep all our passions alive,
As we used to do?

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me

Why are you at my side?
How can I be any use to you now?
Give me a chance and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me
You must love me

Work and Productivity.

Been busy all day.... however.... really not much have been done....

Especially annoying when i realize how much i have to read for tomorrow's class..... still a long way.

The Souvenir for Dental Annual Dinner is ready now..... one less thing on my mind right now (by the way, they are just gorgeous!)

To my somebody: Without you, I'm always a child.

"我不想 我不想 不想長大 
長大後 我就會 失去她"
不想長大 - S.H.E.

Please have faith.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Finally Awoken from my slumber.

It's such a good Ole morning today.

Maybe. I really should change my habit and enjoy the rising sun everyday.

Monday, November 06, 2006


讀了這文章, 真像上了一課.



































Suddenly.... a song ring out in my mind.

" 誰人又相信一世一生這膚淺對白
K歌之王 - 陳奕迅

I am living.... but i dont have a life.

My song of the day:

我的愛 - 孫燕姿

繞著山路 走得累了
去留片刻 要如何取捨
去年撿的 美麗貝殼
心不透徹 不會懂多難得

以為 只要簡單地生活 

我的愛 明明還在 
該把幸福 找回來 

我會在 沿海地帶 
等著潮汐更改 送你回來 
你走路姿態 微笑的神態 

以為 只要簡單地生活 

我的愛 明明還在 
該把幸福 找回來 

我會在 沿海地帶 
等著潮汐更改 送你回來 
你走路姿態 微笑的神態 

好讓心更堅定彼此更接近 真愛

我的愛 明明還在
該把幸福 找回來

我會在 沿海地帶
等著潮汐更改 學著忍耐
不再怕傷害 不再怕期待
你走路姿態 微笑的神態

Mind... Soothed.

Losing control.

But, for the first time since long ago. I can actually sleep.

Sorry for everything...

I shall remember these songs... Nobody can change history, we can only look for future.

忽爾今夏 - 黃耀明
Better Man - Robbie Williams
螢光粉紅 - 鄭秀文
最好的愛煞人武器 - 達明一派
楊千嬅(再生版) - 楊千嬅
四季 -梁靜茹
New York Mining Disaster 1941 - Bee Gees
咬唇 - 楊千嬅
你有自己一套 - At17
Violin Concerto No.2, D Major, K.211 III. Rondeau: Allegro - Mozart
醃眼 - 陳苑淇
一切很美 只因有你 - 陳慧琳
我有我愛你 - 陳奕迅
八里公路 - 梁漢文

I was in such terrible state.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I shall remeber this day for the rest of my life.

When seeing my tutor today.... first time finding that i was unable to speak.... for i know i have got no reason to argue.... totally screwed but deep in my heart i feel a sense of tranquility... I have cleared my mind and have goals for my life again... I know what i am doing.

Dear Friends, Sorry for making you so worried..... i am okay. Seriously.

Suddenly have a feel of familiarity. but yet feeling it to be so distant... why my heart is telling me such thing?

Picked up my old habit of searching and finding again.... only this time.... i only stop when my focus land on you.

You're my 最熟悉的陌生人.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Sleepless night.

Once again.... I'm here alone with the computer at the middle of the night (actually the very last part of the night indeed)

Another day spent in exhaustion and depletion.... with my soul kept imprisoned.

Have got a pretty inspirational conversation tonight.... listening to the problems of others seems like a mirror for me.... for i have made the same mistake over and over again in the past.... I do hope people can give me remedy for it as well.

Finally picked up a text book that i have long forgotten since the very first few days in my first year.... it's about time to pay for my debts.

At least one hour of reading per day.... that doesnt sound too ridiculous, right?

An unrivaled sense of frustration get inside of me when reading something that i cant comprehend.... how much i wish to read your mind...

"Your every smile and cry, is controlling my low and high."

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Still being miserable for the day... Just dont know how to express it. So i have chosen a route of escapology.... filling my time table full.... draining all my energy.... this might work for today.... but how about tomorrow and onwards? For how long can i stand like this?

Suddenly went out of all ideas on what i could do..... suddenly my mind seems to go all wrong.... It's been 352 days already.

Have been searching for a song below for some time already.... have gone through HMV and other CD shops in HK today and still cant find it... If anyone can get this CD for me I'm sure i'll pay him/her handsomely for it (or maybe a large hug ^^). It's Undone by Patrick Nuo, appeared as bonus track in albume "Welcome" (Special Edition) (released in 2004)..... gave up totally.... can only share the link from youtube.....

For you, and hope you can feel it.

Patrick Nuo - Undone

Another day, another night
Another word, another fight
That I'm sorry for
Another try, another way
Another line, now you say
You can't stand it no more

It's easy to hurt and hard to heal
I wish you would try to make me feel
That you still care, you still care

How can I make it undone?
What can I do?
How can I stop this feeling
Inside of you?

If I could make it undone?
Would you be there?
You're still the spell I'm under
Do you still care?

Another chance to be wrong
Another promise to hold on
Regrets and sorrows

Maybe love, maybe lust
Do you believe, do you trust
In me and tomorrow

It's easy to hurt and hard to heal
I wish you would try to make me feel
That you still care, you still care

How can I make it undone?
What can I do?
How can I stop this feeling
Inside of you?

If I could make it undone?
Would you be there?
You're still the spell I'm under
Do you still care?

Do you still care about us
What can I do
To bring our good times back to you
I wish that I could make it just undone

How can I make it undone?
What can I do?
How can I stop this feeling
Inside of you?
If I could make it undone?
Would you be there?
You're still the spell I'm under
Do you still care?

I wish you would try to make me feel
That you still care