Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lose again.

I've never expected I like painting... or have to talent to appraise them...

But it ends up, Picasso is a rather easy painter... or should I say he's nothing but a whore-loving painter? His paintings (early era) is simple... girls, and more of them... straight line, eyes, nose.... yea, that's my impression : )

How fun it'd be if I an see his more famous work in Spain... someday, I'm sure... someday.


Work's been rather bad in the last few weeks.... not particularily numerous.... but dunno why each has got some areas that I havent worked on before, or maybe it's new boss? Or simply merely coz I'm more busy of late...

Maybe my passion for crime had already burnt up.... in full.... now I'm only surviving for as long as I could... on my health...


Was interviewed by my ADC Crime... he told me to think about my future career pathway... what should I choose?

I'm a bit puzzled now.... just hope I can have the wisdom to see which path will be best for me.


Had an happy hour with the district management... what would be an gathering turns out to be another drinking festival... well...

Ended up getting a bit tipsy but went for late dinner nonetheless...


Unexpectedly watched a few movies lately, 'Ice age 4' and 'The Dark Knight Rises'... both were great movie.


Dunno why I feel tears rolling in eyes at a scene of batman.... when the police officers were liberated and went fighting barehanded against machine guns and cannons... it's a disastrous slaughter... but yet... it's a path and most of my colleagues would choose if needed to... suddenly getting emotional at that point.

And another theme behind this batman movie... even a super hero needs a life... and a break from work, isnt it??


Was assigned to be Dragon Boat Captain this year again... Sigh... doing mo liu things to please bosses again... This is exactly the things that I dont enjoy.


Work's been going alright, at least till this day... just one legal and one file to work on and I can finally be on par with the work schedule.... still plenty to do, but at least, I can get rid of my 'file' debt....


Felt I've entered that loop again... starting puzzled without knowing what I really wanted... and too indulged with the easy pickings... where will all these paths lead me to?? I just want a simple path to a modest ending.... so hard to find??


My bad habit... again and again.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Three days holiday.

Work's been okay of late, been through a not so busy B and C shift....

It's really been a while since I can have 3 continuous days of leave, thanks to the 1st of July holiday (which falls on a Sunday ^^)


Not been doing much in this holiday, just a bit of reading, gaming and rest (knowing no prosecutor is gonna call me in the middle of the morning is so reassuring)...

And best of all, I have managed to clear most of my files prior to the holiday.... I can truly relax~


Having a new boss lately... well, he's not as decisive as the previous boss... too much time in the headquarter bureau maybe? But I mean... everyone has his time to be new, I'll just wait and see.


Pablo Picasso.... should be a really interesting painter...

Looking forward to the 4th of July.