Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One week of ??? I dunno, mixed feelings?

Mood swings.

Have been lazy writing down what i've done.... probably i've cramped too many thoughts in my mind days and nights.... i just dont know where to start with.

First and most important of all, I'm still waiting for the call for final interview. Yea, great efficiency. Waiting is the only thing that i can do for now.

Congrats to my floormate Jackie, who's made his move and now accepted as an Ambulance Officer, my best wishes to you, tho you probably wont read my blog~

My alma mater has lost the Interschool Athletics Meet this year in an undeserved manner.... Only one pharse in my mind, "喇沙精神,不死靈魂,田徑場上,再起風雲" We'll strive harder next year.

One thing for joy this week, Liverpool FC maul Man U 4-1 in Old Trafford..... what more can i ask for as a Red? Liverpool for Life.

Time to instill some meaning to life.

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