Thursday, August 02, 2007

One man, One disease.

If one man, one disease is true,

I have found my disease already.

Ankylosing spondylitis...

Chronic, Degenerative Inflammatory Arthritis, affecting mainly the spine and sacroiliac joint.

A 0.25% prevalence disease with no known cure.

Is this lucky or unlucky?

Have a look at my pelvis X-ray and a large cloudy patch can already been seen on Left and Right Sacroiliac joint...

I'm still fortunate that my spine isnt too affected yet, I can still bend and lay flat on my back.

O well, I am not too worried, being a pessimist only take away life and joy, I'd rather enjoy every second of my life.

Moreover, this disease give me another close tie with my idol Jay Chou, for we both are AS patient....

Life cant be too bad, isnt it?

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