Saturday, May 27, 2006


Finally, for once, i feel myself special today.

Early Friday morning, while i am just about to sleep, Kathy and Jon ask me out.... to LKF.... have no reason to resist for these 2 are the best friend of mine (and they need me on this occassion)... been introduced to one special drink, Absinthe..... try to look it up in wiki, that's pretty cool....

Spent the night chatting in a park near Lan kwai fong.... something near SOHO... it's such a special place that it's a great retreat from such a crowded area..... and interestingly there are nobody except the few of us..... had a bizarre feeling when lying on the spinning merry-go-round and watch the sky.... everything around you just seems to go away from you... but then when you stop, when you get back to reality, it's like a re-birth......

Had McDonald breakfast before heading to hall.... "A good morning starts with McDonald's morning'.... that's pretty true.... and i have a special combination of food.... whenever i have Filet-O-Fish with Sausage Muffin with Egg.... good luck seems to come.....

Barely slept for few hours before heading to school at 2.

Yet again, doubt my ability to become a good dentist... how possible can i be so stupid as to miss such an important clinical finding on the radiograph when i am in my year 2??? (i must admit this sentence is a bit too long, some punctations might make things better.... have been reading the book "Eat, shoots and leaves" by Lynne Truss on these few days... it's really a brilliant, educational book)..... Anyways.... the problem has been rectified and done a good job on the case today....

Spent the evening at home.... afterall, my home are not that bad......

Special event.... watched the "Da Vinci Code" in a special cinema in a special time.... special occassion... eno laiceps a htiw

Bought a 'mouse' back to hall... just realize myself is a mouse in chinese calender, however, if i were a mouse, i am a mouse who love cat ^^ 2 in a row, synchronized? special?

Had a wonderful late dinner, enjoyed a nice chat.... i start to miss mum right now...

Fall in love with the snacks from Muji.

Um..... time for me to be serious on study again... i shall enjoy a good sleep and start revision, wish me luck. And a Sweet goodnight to you all.

PS. Currently listening: Southern all stars - Tsuami/蘇永康 - 其實我很擔心

PS2. Unbearable pain comes from heart, instead of body.... and i knew it tonight... perhaps, before...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coming back in 10 days time^^