Monday, April 03, 2006

Where is the motivation?

Thanks Jeff for his blog entry.... You're right buddy, gotta find some goal to keep us motivated.

Alright.... nothing special has happened lately and i'm too lazy even to write my blog.... O well.... my studies has not gone the way i wished.... was performing terribly in the clinics (though i am proud to say i have saved a tooth from my tutor, who insist on a totally unnecessary Root Canal Thearpy on my patient....).... anyways, i have started to read on something i missed in my year 1 studies..... just hope it's never too late to read a book......

Went for dinner with SPOC on Friday... Angie is back.... so glad to see all of them again~

Went for movie, basic instinct 2..... Sharon Stone is no longer that seductive... but anyways.... that movie has a good plot, in some sense, it's almost like a horror movie.... when somebody can be so manipulative, that would be quite scary~

Sleep like hell on weekends....

School tomorrow again..... emergency treatment to my patient for the DISLODGED restoration.... What the hell actually happened?? Is that my fault?


I still want to be a GOOD dentist.


Jeff said...

can't believe u saw BI2...

Anonymous said...

I am confident that u will be a very good dentist.

hey, all your younger cousins are waiting for u to be a qualified dentist, you know? Give us a discount, won't you?!