Thursday, November 13, 2008

A stolen post.

Thanks Vincy, I hope you dont mind ^^

Men Are Hard To Please

The problems with GUYS:
If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him;
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.

If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;
If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG.

If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.

If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.

If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.

If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP.

If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.

If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.

If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.

If u SMOKE, uare BAD girl;

If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.

If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!

If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true.......but if u don't, they say u are selfish.....

Um.... pretty true~

1 comment:

coyokito said...

i thought all guys will disagree with this entry...haha...
yea,i have that book too...i know d feeling...bcz i think i m not typical woman from venus..haha...maybe i m too independeant,as wat my frens say about me..sometime,i also will b a cave girl...bcz i don't want to troubles d others with my problems,i only will share when i really can't find d way out or if d others can solve d problems for me.(a weird girl!!haha)..
n congrate bcz u alr found d way out from ur problems..within 1 week!!=p
travels around d world is my life target!!haha..but for now,i m still not able to do it...d place i feel to go most after graduate is taiwan..hehe..had u came malaysia b4?
my exam start next week...for me,i think it's real crazy(u know it if u read my entry 1030)!it's theoritical exam...
haha...patient failing appointment last minute is too common to happen to me now..just experienced it yesterday...yea,d feeling is real bad...
practical exam?going to have it soon as my uni,v have many clinical requirements to fullfill b4 sit for exams...if can't achieve d requirements they have set within d year,v can't sit for final exam..n have to repeat 1 more year.this is d most stress part for us actually esp when d patient fail to it hk also d same?i heard somebody(malaysian student who studying in hk now) told me her school in hk don't have such requirement,n all d lab works they don't have to do it by themselve,just pass to it true?