Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Dayoff.

Wow... it's just such an incredible week. Only 3 days of work required (well, this is due to some technical errors tho.... I got a full week next week) But still, a holiday is a good day and i've made most out of it.

Changed my looks (Some said I now have a very typical MK look, which i denied but admit a bit of Japanese influence has made me look "punk" right now. Well, as usual, i dont sell looks, so as long as i feel good about myself, i'm okay.) by having an hair cut and some new clothes.

Dated Sister for a dine out and movie, "Vicky Christina Barcelona" by Woody Allen. Shame that i still havent watched "Matchpoint" so i cant make a comparison out of it. It's a good movie with lots of dilemma that one shall/will face at some point of their life.... Prett interesting ending too.

I love the notion, "We are meant for each other and not meant for each other. It's a contradiction."

Tomorrow gonna work hard and enjoy Ocean Park afterwork ^^ Looking forward to it.

Gym now. Will write next time.

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