Thursday, October 04, 2007

Study + Guest.

Skived my lesson in the morning again.....

Spent the time doing some reading instead.....

The series of unfortunate events continued till afternoon.... got a failed appointment from my pateint, which make my week without a single patient..... what am i doing this week?

Um... it's a first start to my revision plan..... slow start though....

Got dinner in a decent place in Sai Wan tonight..... could have chance to go again.

Watched University Hall visit at hall.... it's always good to have the chance when all hallmates (and my group sons and daughters) to gather together and strive for something~

So unexpectedly my senior Kennon is back to hall tonight and he's staying in my room right now, just cant wait to chat with him for all the things that had happened lately.... shall write again soon~

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