Thursday, February 15, 2007

Whiplash damage.

Suffered from a stiff neck.

Accidentally ramped my head in a car.... resulting in a whiplash damage to the neck...

Now having trouble turning my head or looking down. Pain is also ellicited when i try to change my sleeping posture. Prolong bed rest indicated.

During my rest today... different dreams (weird one) appear....

Dreamed of the past, dreamed of the future, dreamed of those which i truly scared of...

It's horrified to see myself in the extraction key-skill again.... only this time i have made a mess out of it.... an alveolar fracture and the LA doesnt work.... that's scary enough....

Well though.... i still hope some of my dreams will come true... coz some of them are truely what i wanted.

從來未走遠... 一直都在你身後等待... 守著承諾... 等你

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