Friday, December 01, 2006

In Class...

In class right now.... so boring... i'm just fully utilizing my time (part searching the web for journals and part writing my blog....)....

My sleep has been real bad lately.... luckily i had no class on thursday that i slept through half of the day.... originally i planned to wake earlier but just too drained..... nothing more can be done... only wake around 3 in the afternoon....

Woke and helped Kathy in doing her Final Year Project..... Hall Education.... something that is very related to me but seldomly researched.... i'm honoured that i can give my views on this in her report..

Spent the whole afternoon doing the interview....

One's heart is dead when he can turn down request from a tear-soaked people...

Feel so bad.....

Started to feel sick in mid-night... Thanks Kathy and Jonathan for delivering treatment to me...

Guilty Conscience.

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