Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Felt determined to do things right this time.
Had got a rather miserable clinic time today. As student, it's not the skill that define you a good dentist..... but the mood of your tutor...... sometimes maybe a pretty patient will help (too bad i didnt bought her in for the morning session).... for the first time i can feel the 'care' from my tutor.... they're always the first to arrive (even when i dont need them though....)...... o.... what more can i say?
Still on my quest to put things undone.
贏便慶祝 輸了氣便斷"
一千零一個 - 楊千嬅
Things to Share:
Five Days - Patrick Nuo
Funny Joke about sensitivity of teeth ^^
New Coke Commercial
大男孩 - 葉念琛
日 本 女 漫 畫 家 柴 門 文 舊 作 《 欺 騙 我 的 男 人 》 , 最 近 終 於 推 出 了 單 行 本 。 漫 畫 的 故 事 非 常 出 人 意 表 , 男 主 角 海 原 是 一 位 風 流 倜 儻 的 兒 童 外 科 主 任 , 女 伴 無 數 。 但 一 天 , 他 對 文 靜 溫 婉 的 久 美 子 一 見 鍾 情 。
一 雙 登 對 的 璧 人 以 為 會 有 一 個 天 長 地 久 的 結 局 , 但 劇 情 偏 在 此 時 急 轉 直 下 , 久 美 子 偶 然 間 發 現 了 海 原 一 個 隱 藏 的 秘 密 : 童 年 時 的 海 原 為 了 阻 止 父 親 虐 打 母 親 , 用 球 棒 把 他 毆 打 成 植 物 人 。 從 此 海 原 竟 將 自 己 的 心 靈 永 遠 鎖 在 悲 劇 發 生 前 三 天 , 亦 即 是 他 十 二 歲 生 日 那 天 , 換 句 話 說 , 海 原 的 真 實 年 紀 雖 然 已 經 二 十 九 歲 , 但 心 智 卻 停 留 在 十 二 歲 。 但 因 為 他 小 時 候 已 被 發 現 是 資 優 兒 童 , 天 才 一 般 的 頭 腦 讓 他 能 從 容 應 付 醫 學 院 的 訓 練 , 所 以 , 他 長 大 後 依 然 能 成 為 一 位 出 色 的 醫 生 。
海 原 充 滿 小 男 孩 一 切 性 格 上 的 缺 點 , 他 對 善 惡 觀 念 模 糊 , 愛 撒 嬌 也 要 別 人 遷 就 , 且 妒 忌 心 和 佔 有 慾 旺 盛 得 過 份 。
海 原 到 底 是 否 一 個 值 得 相 愛 的 對 象 ? 這 是 從 漫 畫 人 深 思 的 問 題 。 漫 畫 的 結 局 讓 人 傷 感 , 暫 且 在 此 賣 個 關 子 。 但 久 美 子 最 後 還 是 選 擇 了 海 原 。 或 許 女 人 天 生 對 最 愛 的 男 人 , 總 是 存 在 一 份 母 親 對 兒 子 不 離 不 棄 的 容 忍 和 呵 護 。 小 孩 子 在 未 懂 得 人 間 情 愛 的 時 候 , 純 真 幸 福 的 愛 意 都 只 傾 注 在 母 親 身 上 , 女 人 都 盼 望 伴 侶 永 遠 像 個 天 真 無 邪 的 小 孩 子 , 讓 自 己 永 遠 同 時 分 飾 母 親 和 愛 人 兩 個 角 色 , 用 無 窮 的 愛 擁 抱 深 愛 的 那 個 他 , 要 他 心 無 旁 騖 也 寸 步 難 行 。
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Feel the pain.
Still slacking with my work....
Starting learning to feel the pain that others are enduring.... perhaps this can make me a better person.
Still on my journey to "Narnia"..... brilliant.
Thanks 馮穎琪... I love your lyrics.
原來這裡沒有你 - 陳奕迅
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thanks Kennon, i get what you mean..... just wish you all the best in your career. We shall meet soon?
Dunno why.... but my mind was again unsettled....
To my somebody: "Encryption, Decryption; I am in your captivation."
.. ..-. - .... . .-. . .. ... --- -. . .-.. .- ... - - .... .. -. --. .-.. . ..-. - --- -. . .- .-. - .... - --- - . .-.. .-.. -.-- --- ..- .. .--- ..- ... - .-- .- -. - - --- ... .- -.-- .. -- .. ... ... -.-- --- ..- .- -. -.. .. -. . . -.. -.-- --- ..- .. .-- .- -. - - --- .... .- ...- . -.-- --- ..- -... -.-- -- -.-- ... .. -.. . --- -. -.-. . .- --. .- .. -.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Enjoyable stress
How would you feel when you are taking your exam with you patient running late for one whole hour? And it's a especially difficult case.
Nervous? Yes.
Stressed? Yes.
But in the mean time i have got a trace of natural high in me.... I was under so much pressure for i know any minor mistake would spell disaster for me.... heart pounding so hard that i can actually hear every beat of it..... feel the warm current inside of me flowing.... mind extremely focused..... I have, actually, done the best ever class 2 restoration on this patient.... simply without any procedural flaws..... Perfect.
Always dreaming one day i can really become an A&E in-house or paramedic or war surgeon or something.... where i can see critical patients, make spilt-second decision and safe some lifes.... Someday....
Song of the day: 十惡不赦 - 劉浩龍
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Dont want to write too much on my shcool life.... they are extraordinary however i'm getting more and more used to it (that's good sign... )
Finally have got some return in my tutorial job, at least, improvements have been seen.
Got excited when the Dental Annual Dinner is drawing closer, cause there are more and more hands on work instead of just blathering in meetings..... everything seems going fine and i look forward to it.
Progress of study.... still slow..... that's the norm.....
Got a chance to meet with Sally on Tuesday.... though it's a really causal chat.... i appreciated that greatly.... let's find some time for meals~
I am on a shopping spree lately.... apart from the Puma and Nike that i mentioned in my previous post.... i still want to get a bracelet of aquamarine gemstone......
Tomorrow i am going to have my key skills exam.... still got something to read on.... shall write later~
PS. Should i have the chance.... i want to go for a short trip as well... 相依為命....
Monday, October 23, 2006
Holiday, shopping and fantasy.
Thanks to the smart faculty.... i got even more classes in reading week than ever..... sigh....
Got a new Levi's 523 today... it's not so particular.... but its brand name do give some feel-great factor though....
Next on my shopping list: Puma Jacket (light purple in colour.... really great) and a Nike Free V5.0...... They're so expensive.... gosh....
Started reading on the Chronicles of Narnia.... sometimes.... devote myself in a fantasy world is not too bad..... it does keep all the trouble away.
Tomorrow is about to fight the little young patient again..... wish everything is going to be fine.
PS. Bon Voyage. Take care.
PS2. 張敬軒 - 笑忘書 - Track 8
Sunday, October 22, 2006
My mind got occupied totally.
What is she doing now?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Really not in shape in today's clinic.
Thanks Horace, i have heard some of the most incredible singing ever..... Vitas, what an interesting russian singer..... shall get his albume when i have the chance.
Have done something i havent done for ages today.... I actually went swimming with parent in the clubhouse..... um.... still retain some memory on front crawl and brest stroke.... my skills are not too good that i'd need to learn further in order to be a better swimmer..... also saw people doing butterfly and back stroke today..... that's pretty impressive..... dunno when i could master them all.....
Got a relaxed evening at hall..... had a work out and some chat with floormates and that's about it......
Song of the day: 每天每天 - 方大同
Friday, October 20, 2006
失憶 - 梁靜茹
感覺得到 你已不再眷戀
感覺不到 說是為了我改變
感覺得到 沈默劃過我左臉
我不知道 也許我會得到
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Boundary between life and death.
I am rightous enough to be a witness of a theft case which happened in hall last night (around 2 something)...... Thanks to the HK Police..... they have the imagination to almost turn me into a suspect by literally "interrogating" me.... It took me a few hours before i can shake off the suspicion on me and finally get some sleep.... but by that time it's already some 6 or 7 in the morning when the sun has risen.......
Miraculously I did wake for the morning lesson, Consultation clinic in OMFS department...... basically we have nothing to do but to watch the professor examining the patients..... it's a very good chance to let us know how little we know about dentistry.... really ashamed..... And even more ashamed is that we see the reality of outside practice (when one of the patient under outside GP care turn up today with a nerve damage from extraction of wisdom tooth)..... arrogant and negligent.... ego is the size of a golf course but there ability is the size of a golf ball.... they just think they can hide every fact from others...... really fumed about such UNETHICAL practice.
Rushed back to campus for the Hall photo taking.... it's great to see we are all united as one under the same roof or RC Lee Hall.... It's really worth skipping my lunch for this photo.....
Afternoon with classes again..... havent done my reading as i should have.... but i'm lucky enough to be forgiven by my tutor... learned a lot during the discussion process...... and my tutor is kind enough to paid the bills for the afternoon tea.... feel so warm.....
Listened to a lecture on implant in the afternoon (despite for the fact that i am greatly deprived from sleep....) Fight so hard to resist falling asleep (though sometimes I cant.)..... The topic maybe a little bit too far from my level right now but nonetheless it's quite a useful one....
And now i am finally back to my lair in hall.... i shall form a cocoon soon and nest myself in it.... my will can only take me so far.... i'd better be hibernating to recharge for tomorrow...... Shall write again then.
Skills acquired.
However, it's been a joyful day.... finally realizing the distance between me and a general dental practictioner has diminished.... feel quite confident in the speed of my restorative work (I believe i can now practice quadrant dentistry for most of the simple cases), though i still need to work on the aesthetic of some of my restorations (ha ha....)
Was so tired in the afternoon that I accidental fall on my bed (with my bag still clinging around my neck and my sneakers on) and napped..... totally crazily lacking energy at that moment.....
Tomorrow is the day for Hall photo taking..... and that shall be the some of my last photos taken in RC.... just hope that tomorrow's lesson will not over-run so that i dont have to rush back to campus for the photo afterwards.....
Looking back... there are still a lot to be achieved in hall.... too many dreams and wishes; too little time.... but RC will deserve a special place in my heart....
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
In a paedodontics department, a loud wail can be heard....
"I dont want to get in the surgery room..." (Usually the most difficult case will be treated in the surgery room, where it has better equipment and sound-proof system, that the young kids' screaming will not affect other children receiving treatment.)
That seems rather normal to hear that, right?
But consider that scream is not coming from the child..... but instead from the dentist.....
And yes.... that 'dentist' is me.....
Why me... why again?? Paedo-clinic on Monday morning is really the spoiler of the week.... got so exhausted in dealing with the energetic, never-ending young lad who keep shouting and yelling.....
Please save me.....
I still got at least 2 weeks to face this young beast...... Gosh.....
Nevermind.... I think I will get use to it soon.
Thanks to Yvone who gave me a lovely figure of Stitch.
Got a rather normal school day.... still lagging behind and is working to catch up.
Dinner with Horace and Fai.... our usual combination.... sometimes, you must admit that destiny has some role in life......
Song of the day: 誰 - 吳克群
Monday, October 16, 2006
Warm dinner.
Time to work hard.... got too much to read lately.
To my friends: No matter what you said... I have chosen my path... just wish my luck.
A lovely song:
可樂戒指 - 梁靜茹
星星在天上寫詩 浪漫到放肆
嘴角的吻還微濕 我害羞掩飾
我調整了我坐姿 假裝更矜持
你的緊張 你的攻勢 就像個孩子
你把 我喝完的可樂 拉環當作戒指
輕輕套上了 我 小指 你問 能不能一輩子
那一秒突然 愛上了你 傻傻的固執
我不要你解釋 我不要你發誓
我只要 你記得此刻 你眼裡 我的樣子
愛我不要解釋 愛我不要發誓
這一刻到 世界末日 讓我們 一起把愛
你把平凡的日子 變成紀念日
永恆變成未來式 男孩變王子
我不要有大房子 也不要大寶石
我會珍惜 可樂戒指 永恆的小事
你用 吃完的糖果紙 那是你的方式
默默的寫下 你 發誓 你說 保護我一輩子
那一秒突然 看到了你 背後的雙翅
我不要你解釋 我不要你發誓
我只要 你記得此刻 你眼裡 我的樣子
愛我不要解釋 愛我不要發誓
從此刻到 世界末日 讓我們 一起把愛
我不要你解釋 我不要你發誓
我只要 你記得此刻 你眼裡 我的樣子
愛我不要解釋 愛我不要發誓
從此刻到 世界末日 讓我們 一起把愛
你在等答案 我會對你說 Yes
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Ordinary day.
Seldom have the chance to get to see you, but everytime, time is great with you.
Dare to dream, dare to try.
Wish you all the best in future.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Black Friday....
Do not expect 2 classes can ever be the same.
Last week IV Sedation was excellent.
And Today..... it sucks.
All because of the tutor.
There is no point showing off what you know and what i dont. If i knew all that then i'll be the anesthesiologist doing all the procedure.
Better to turn my focus back on the dental stuff i need to know.
能傷我最深的人 偏得我心
應該漠不關心 然而還著緊
當攬緊他人 想起跟你熱吻
愛過太深 原來身體會疑問
願醉掉了 能容許你憐憫
早知不應試愛 未放開 便節哀
有情人 日日夜夜同分開感慨
避開 願你改 一個 小小意外
未悔恨我未會知 不散不愛
心 話放開 未放開 雨驟來
愛滿分 竟是換來 痛亦滿分
可否錯一次以後 一直愛
皮膚有你的指紋 刻得太深
應該漠不關心 然而還著緊
當攬緊他人 想起跟你熱吻
愛過太深 原來身體會疑問
願醉掉了 能容許你憐憫
早知不應試愛 未放開 便節哀
有情人 日日夜夜同分開感慨
避開 願你改 一個 小小意外
未悔恨我未會知 不散不愛
心 話放開 未放開 雨驟來
愛滿分 竟是換來 痛亦滿分
早知不應試愛 未放開 便節哀
有情人 日日夜夜同分開感慨
避開 願你改 一個 小小意外
未悔恨我未會知 不散不愛
心 話放開 未放開 雨驟來
愛滿分 竟是換來 痛亦滿分
十分愛 - 鄧麗欣 方力申
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Quality time.
Struggled for so long before finally heading to school.... only to find out that my class has been cancelled (reason being that my tutor is on emergency call.... what the heck?) Totally miserable day.....
Decided to translate our group's anger in 'destroying' McDonald's Breakfast... we ate so much today.....
Got back to home and have a long sleep......
Evening spent with my ex-floormates.... time is great.
Finally feel a little confident in dealing with amalgam restoration (after numerous failed attempts)..... Should have no problem in the upcoming key skills exam...... (I hope).
Song of the day: 人若然忘記了愛 - 鄭中基
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
脆弱 - 葉念琛
男 孩 子 暗 戀 了 女 孩 子 差 不 多 三 個 月 了 。 他 心 忖 也 是 時 候 向 她 表 白 心 跡 。
在 女 孩 子 家 門 前 , 男 孩 子 鼓 起 勇 氣 向 她 說 道 : 「 我 想 我 是 愛 上 了 你 ! 」 女 孩 子 聽 到 男 孩 子 的 示 愛 宣 言 , 先 是 驚 愕 莫 名 , 但 在 情 場 上 身 經 百 戰 的 她 , 最 懂 得 在 這 種 形 勢 下 裝 扮 懵 。 女 孩 子 若 無 其 事 地 扮 作 低 頭 從 手 袋 掏 出 鑰 匙 , 然 後 嘴 角 含 笑 地 跟 男 孩 子 揮 手 道 別 : 「 不 用 送 了 , 過 幾 天 再 找 你 ! 」
男 孩 子 還 想 叫 住 她 , 女 孩 子 已 經 一 溜 煙 地 進 了 大 廈 。
回 家 後 , 女 孩 子 暗 吁 一 口 氣 , 她 對 男 孩 子 是 有 點 好 感 , 卻 只 僅 於 純 粹 的 友 誼 , 萬 萬 不 涉 及 男 女 之 情 。 女 孩 子 心 決 定 。 為 免 再 讓 男 孩 子 自 作 多 情 , 以 後 還 是 少 跟 他 上 街 為 妙 。
男 孩 子 或 許 永 遠 也 不 會 知 道 , 因 為 他 一 句 衝 口 而 出 的 表 白 , 已 將 一 段 可 能 有 機 會 發 展 的 戀 情 白 白 斷 送 了 。
有 些 說 話 , 可 以 不 說 , 還 是 藏 在 心 最 好 。 愛 一 個 人 , 有 些 人 總 是 喜 歡 大 聲 疾 呼 , 公 告 天 下 。 問 題 是 你 所 愛 的 人 未 必 跟 你 同 樣 想 法 , 你 愛 她 嗎 ? 她 不 一 定 也 愛 你 ! 在 未 有 足 夠 把 握 下 便 急 不 及 待 地 抒 發 愛 意 , 結 果 只 會 打 草 驚 蛇 , 壞 了 大 事 !
而 且 , 相 愛 的 感 覺 從 來 是 神 秘 而 微 妙 , 靈 犀 一 點 , 心 意 互 通 。 愛 一 個 人 , 不 需 要 事 先 張 揚 , 也 不 用 申 請 批 准 , 情 投 意 合 , 自 然 會 走 在 一 起 , 因 為 彼 此 之 間 有 一 道 不 可 抗 拒 的 力 量 在 推 動 和 撮 合 , 那 叫 緣 份 。
我 們 可 以 向 深 愛 的 人 高 聲 說 一 聲 : 「 我 愛 你 ! 」 但 要 說 得 理 直 氣 壯 , 不 要 將 這 句 說 話 化 成 問 題 , 化 為 試 探 。 正 如 也 不 要 說 : 「 我 想 我 倆 之 間 是 有 了 第 三 者 。 」 和 「 我 想 你 已 經 不 愛 我 了 。 」 在 說 話 之 前 , 記 撫 心 自 問 , 脆 弱 的 你 , 真 的 承 受 得 了 殘 酷 的 答 案 嗎 ? 不 然 的 話 , 把 話 留 在 肚 子 中 , 繼 續 逃 避 現 實 , 仍 然 是 最 美 麗 和 快 樂 的 。
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
New cell phone.
Gotta work harder to compensate for my self-indulgence.
Mystery... unfolded.
"付出的愛收不回 還欠妳的我不能給
Kiss Goodbye - 王力宏
Monday, October 09, 2006
Time for change.
How long does it take to totally transform one person?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
One day, you will see.
Making up for the past.
Then you'll believe.
Just between the two of us - 陳奕迅
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Everything must go.
Learning to be indifferent.
一了百了 - 謝霆鋒
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Indulgence... again...
First time ever to skip the whole day of class... though i feel good afterwards...
It take so much determination to be a professional.
The lyrics below speak my heart.
"It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive "
It's my life - Bon Jovi
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Stop the temptating and luring me into Sins.
A truely righteous people do things without differentiating whether they are right or not. They just do the right thing intuitively.
I do not have such intuition.... i tend to use my reasoning... only when my flesh are strong enough support my will...
Common saying, "The flesh is strong, but the will is weak".... something really worth noting.
Went for movies last night with Kennon and Jackie.... "大丈夫2".... quite a atypical locally-produced movie... it's not filmed particular good... however, some dialouges in the movies are quite catching and memorable...
"Male and Female are in the state of war ever since Adam and Eve walked on this world."
Looking forward to watching "Click"..... the last Hollywood movie i watched was some 3 or 4 months ago.... gotta squeeze some time and enjoy myself.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
It has changed a lot since the day i left La Salle.
But still, so many memories there.
Maybe, it's not the only thing that had changed.
Me too, has changed considerably.
As always said, change itself is not bad, it all depends on how you cope with the change.
On this aspect, I am a slow learner.
Just want to make sure I will grab every chance and value it.
For I dont want to 重複犯錯.