Monday, July 31, 2006
Was asked about my usual jogging track, and here it is..... join me if you can ^^
Thanks Jeff for the call, you caught me by surprise actually. We shall have a long chat when you're back. See you then.
Seeing is believing.
But truth is easily obscured.
Finished my jogging today with the time of 50 mins..... not a bad time, but not good either.... still got a long road if i am to prepare myself for the selection in September.
But truth is easily obscured.
Finished my jogging today with the time of 50 mins..... not a bad time, but not good either.... still got a long road if i am to prepare myself for the selection in September.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Sometimes, God really has his plan for you.
I dont use to trust fatalism, but maybe, all things didnt happen just by chance alone.
Thanks for the song and everything. I guess it's more than appropiate.
倒帶 - 蔡依林
我受夠了等待你所謂的安排 說的未來到底多久才來
總是要來不及才知道我可愛 我想依賴而你卻都不在
應該開心的地帶 你給的全是空白
一個人假日發呆 找不到人陪我看海
我在幸福的門外 卻一直都進不來
你累積給的傷害 我是真的很難釋懷
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
你總是要我乖 慢慢計劃將來 我的眼淚卻一直掉下來
過去怎麼交代 你該給的信賴 被你親手緩緩推入懸崖
從我臉上的蒼白 看到記憶慢下來
過去甜蜜在倒帶 只是感覺已經不在
而我對你的期待 被你一次次摔壞
已經碎成太多塊 要怎麼拼湊跟重來
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
I dont use to trust fatalism, but maybe, all things didnt happen just by chance alone.
Thanks for the song and everything. I guess it's more than appropiate.
倒帶 - 蔡依林
我受夠了等待你所謂的安排 說的未來到底多久才來
總是要來不及才知道我可愛 我想依賴而你卻都不在
應該開心的地帶 你給的全是空白
一個人假日發呆 找不到人陪我看海
我在幸福的門外 卻一直都進不來
你累積給的傷害 我是真的很難釋懷
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
你總是要我乖 慢慢計劃將來 我的眼淚卻一直掉下來
過去怎麼交代 你該給的信賴 被你親手緩緩推入懸崖
從我臉上的蒼白 看到記憶慢下來
過去甜蜜在倒帶 只是感覺已經不在
而我對你的期待 被你一次次摔壞
已經碎成太多塊 要怎麼拼湊跟重來
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
終於看開愛回不來 而你總是太晚明白
最後才把話說開 哭著求我留下來
終於看開愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息求我別離開
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Song of the day.
This song fits.
你很愛他 - F.I.R.
當你決定 你要離開我 我沒有說什麼 就當作你自由
有好幾次我都想挽留 苦求也沒有用 就當作是寂寞
只有我能明白 他的溫柔 對你是種解脫
只想要告訴我 誰是你的最愛
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不能奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 嗚住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不能奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 嗚住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說
你很愛他 你很愛他
你很愛他 - F.I.R.
當你決定 你要離開我 我沒有說什麼 就當作你自由
有好幾次我都想挽留 苦求也沒有用 就當作是寂寞
只有我能明白 他的溫柔 對你是種解脫
只想要告訴我 誰是你的最愛
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不能奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 嗚住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說 你很愛他
其實你很愛他 對我的懲罰 說你沒有想他 是可憐我吧
我已沒有藉口 只能放手 不能奢求 你說愛我
其實你很愛他 他很溫柔嗎 其實你很想他 就說出口吧
我已不想多說 嗚住耳朵 不想再次聽到你說
你很愛他 你很愛他
Friday, July 28, 2006
Inevitable of life.
As we cant defy the laws of nature, and so, we can only choose to take it lightly.
It's raining so bad outside... my heart feels the same way.
Must remind myself to beware of Absinth and people-biting habit.
It's raining so bad outside... my heart feels the same way.
Must remind myself to beware of Absinth and people-biting habit.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Newfound freedom
School's finally over.... i dont have to worry what treatment i'm going to perform next week and scare myself out over ther weekend....
Enjoyed a wonderful weekend with friends and family.... i feel i am kind of neglecting them this year.... it's about time for me to rectify this problem before it's too late....
Longed for the summer celebration with SPOC family, this year we shall go to the ocean park?
I start gaining some weight and having a better body shape... maybe my effort on jogging everynight has finally paid off?
Horace is soon leaving for Tibet, just want to wish him all the best and a safe journey.
From Peter, thanks.
Enjoyed a wonderful weekend with friends and family.... i feel i am kind of neglecting them this year.... it's about time for me to rectify this problem before it's too late....
Longed for the summer celebration with SPOC family, this year we shall go to the ocean park?
I start gaining some weight and having a better body shape... maybe my effort on jogging everynight has finally paid off?
Horace is soon leaving for Tibet, just want to wish him all the best and a safe journey.
From Peter, thanks.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
About my school
About my School. Um... no comment. Though it's unwise to cancel the study leave.
《東週刊》第 149 期—「揭喇沙校長被逼走內情」
「譚瑪士修士屬超級體育迷,成日親自帶隊,特別係足球比賽,佢會係場邊帶領學生唱校歌打氣。」相反,劉煒堅非常著緊學生的學術成績,甫上任,便打破傳統,取消中七學生的「 Study Leave 」,惹來高年班生炮轟。「喇沙仔讀書向來自動波,要我地返學校讀,不如快 D 考完 mock exam (校內模擬試),比我地返屋企讀書好過啦!」在學生強烈要求下,劉終收回成命,但學生對其印象,已大打折扣。
「喇沙仔」一直以超卓的體育和英語能力而自豪,劉煒堅冷待體育已惹來學生不滿,不過其致命傷,卻是其英語能力。劉煒堅雖同屬喇沙出身,但卻是理科人,在教育學院任教時,根本毋須日日講英文,轉到要鬥講靚英文的喇沙,形成強烈對比,「佢 D 英文怪怪地,好唔純正,成日用錯詞語同文法。」就讀中六的林同學舉例指,曾聽過劉校長在「 to 」後面的動詞加上「 s 」,又形容劉滿口「港式英文」,跟以英語為母語的譚瑪士「冇得比」,屢屢成為學生之間的笑話。
「文件的確錯漏百出,有 D 完全用錯文法,有 D 係好明顯以中文思維去寫出來的英文。」本刊找來英文科補習天王李典華 (Joseph Li) 分析該批通告,他對名校容許這種水平的通告出街十分訝異。
在 Cheer Up 補習社任教的李典華,年前撰寫預科課程英語教科書《 New Way to Use of English 》,多間名校包括喇沙亦有採用,不少「喇沙仔」亦是他的補習學生。「就算唔係校長寫,佢都有責任睇下 D 通告內容至簽名,呢幾封通告入面的英文,對一間名校來講真係好失禮。」
劉煒堅除了沒有修士威嚴外,其華人身份亦是「先天缺陷」。「名校生總學得西人講英文才正宗,家長認為西人叻 D ,校友就認為大家都係喇沙畢業,你憑乜野做校長?只有修士才夠資格。」有家長分析說。
不過,亦有校友力撐劉煒堅,說:「校長對學校盡心盡力,逼走佢,明顯是出於政治考慮,雖然佢兩年來做的決定,唔係人人認同,但以前 Br. Thomas, Br. Felix, Br. Casimir 等修士在任時,都唔一定得到所有人認同,佢地有無辭職呀?咁對一個平民校長好唔公平。」有教師亦透露,劉煒堅力排眾議,重組體操隊和彈網班,最後成功重奪學界體操冠軍。
《東週刊》第 149 期—「揭喇沙校長被逼走內情」
「譚瑪士修士屬超級體育迷,成日親自帶隊,特別係足球比賽,佢會係場邊帶領學生唱校歌打氣。」相反,劉煒堅非常著緊學生的學術成績,甫上任,便打破傳統,取消中七學生的「 Study Leave 」,惹來高年班生炮轟。「喇沙仔讀書向來自動波,要我地返學校讀,不如快 D 考完 mock exam (校內模擬試),比我地返屋企讀書好過啦!」在學生強烈要求下,劉終收回成命,但學生對其印象,已大打折扣。
「喇沙仔」一直以超卓的體育和英語能力而自豪,劉煒堅冷待體育已惹來學生不滿,不過其致命傷,卻是其英語能力。劉煒堅雖同屬喇沙出身,但卻是理科人,在教育學院任教時,根本毋須日日講英文,轉到要鬥講靚英文的喇沙,形成強烈對比,「佢 D 英文怪怪地,好唔純正,成日用錯詞語同文法。」就讀中六的林同學舉例指,曾聽過劉校長在「 to 」後面的動詞加上「 s 」,又形容劉滿口「港式英文」,跟以英語為母語的譚瑪士「冇得比」,屢屢成為學生之間的笑話。
「文件的確錯漏百出,有 D 完全用錯文法,有 D 係好明顯以中文思維去寫出來的英文。」本刊找來英文科補習天王李典華 (Joseph Li) 分析該批通告,他對名校容許這種水平的通告出街十分訝異。
在 Cheer Up 補習社任教的李典華,年前撰寫預科課程英語教科書《 New Way to Use of English 》,多間名校包括喇沙亦有採用,不少「喇沙仔」亦是他的補習學生。「就算唔係校長寫,佢都有責任睇下 D 通告內容至簽名,呢幾封通告入面的英文,對一間名校來講真係好失禮。」
劉煒堅除了沒有修士威嚴外,其華人身份亦是「先天缺陷」。「名校生總學得西人講英文才正宗,家長認為西人叻 D ,校友就認為大家都係喇沙畢業,你憑乜野做校長?只有修士才夠資格。」有家長分析說。
不過,亦有校友力撐劉煒堅,說:「校長對學校盡心盡力,逼走佢,明顯是出於政治考慮,雖然佢兩年來做的決定,唔係人人認同,但以前 Br. Thomas, Br. Felix, Br. Casimir 等修士在任時,都唔一定得到所有人認同,佢地有無辭職呀?咁對一個平民校長好唔公平。」有教師亦透露,劉煒堅力排眾議,重組體操隊和彈網班,最後成功重奪學界體操冠軍。
Friday, July 21, 2006
The Art of Living
Everyone can live (literally meaning surviving), but not everyone of us know how to live well....
Suddenly have this feeling....
People are just too into their daily routine that they forgot how to entertain themselves, care for their own wants and needs....
Life can be full and wonderful when you know how to live it well.... try to appreciate the art of 'living', dont take everything like a task to be completed, but instead, put your heart in it and think (most people dont), you'll discover joy out of it.
Really enjoyed shopping in City Super and supermarket in Sogo... thinking of what to eat at night, that's enough to keep me happy.
Enjoy the life and live most out of it. That's what i want to say.
School ended today. To conclude, it's a rather uneventful year (however, laughters and tears still scatter in my school life). Thanks to my groupmates and all those who have helped. See you all next year, when i am proudly introduce myself as a Year 4 student ^^ Love you all.
Summer is about to start, dont want to waste this summer. I shall ready myself with my school work and be a better person, that's what i hope.
PS. The "..." i used in the entry is not called "dot dot dot", but instead called "ellipsis". They are a good way to end a sentence, especially in a intriguing manner.... you can fill my thoughts then~ (or more often i have further thoughts in my mind but it'd be cumbersome to put them all here)
Suddenly have this feeling....
People are just too into their daily routine that they forgot how to entertain themselves, care for their own wants and needs....
Life can be full and wonderful when you know how to live it well.... try to appreciate the art of 'living', dont take everything like a task to be completed, but instead, put your heart in it and think (most people dont), you'll discover joy out of it.
Really enjoyed shopping in City Super and supermarket in Sogo... thinking of what to eat at night, that's enough to keep me happy.
Enjoy the life and live most out of it. That's what i want to say.
School ended today. To conclude, it's a rather uneventful year (however, laughters and tears still scatter in my school life). Thanks to my groupmates and all those who have helped. See you all next year, when i am proudly introduce myself as a Year 4 student ^^ Love you all.
Summer is about to start, dont want to waste this summer. I shall ready myself with my school work and be a better person, that's what i hope.
PS. The "..." i used in the entry is not called "dot dot dot", but instead called "ellipsis". They are a good way to end a sentence, especially in a intriguing manner.... you can fill my thoughts then~ (or more often i have further thoughts in my mind but it'd be cumbersome to put them all here)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Another ordinary day....
Class, Tea, did some tidying....
And i shall go for jogging now...
Sometimes, a day like this is just fantastic.
PS. Exam result released.
Class, Tea, did some tidying....
And i shall go for jogging now...
Sometimes, a day like this is just fantastic.
PS. Exam result released.
Poor condition
Still in misery....
Lucky that i dont have a patient this morning...
Do you believe in fortune telling? I guess i do.
When life gets tough; tough gets to you.
Meeting at night.... double my suffering.
PS. To You: I have received your message, sincere thanks. I'll take care of myself.
Lucky that i dont have a patient this morning...
Do you believe in fortune telling? I guess i do.
When life gets tough; tough gets to you.
Meeting at night.... double my suffering.
PS. To You: I have received your message, sincere thanks. I'll take care of myself.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
上 午 4 時 天 文 台 錄 得 氣 溫 25 度 , 相 對 濕 度 百 分 之 99 。
請 注 意 :黑 色 暴 雨 警 告 信 號 現 正 生 效 。
雷 暴 警 告 現 正 生 效 ,有 效 時 間 至 7 月 16 日 上 午 6 時 正。
強 烈 季 候 風 信 號 現 正 生 效 。
上 午 2 時 45 分 至 3 時 45 分 , 本 港 各 區 均 有 閃 電 記錄 。
各 區 錄 得 最 高 雨 量 如 下 :中 西 區 85 毫 米
I can only say i was there, outdoor, alone on my usual routine.
Completely soaked, with the wind chill.
I cant find a proper shelter.
Hypothermia soon kicks in.... involuntary muscle twitches (it produce 10 times more heat than normal muscle activities anyways).... Hyperventilation.... i guess my condition must be pretty terrible.... i can feel the pain in my diaphragm.... I collapsed...
I just laid there watching the sky.... whenever there's a lightening, the sky is of special colour.... so special indeed.
I suddenly have a feeling that Death isnt far away.... he's grinning and ready to take his prey.
I dont fear death.... but i'd rather have a more meaningful way of dying.... Saving someone maybe? Or at least to help somebody else..... just not out of plain stupidity, okay?
In such matter of life and death situation, men always do have special affinity towards their god, and i am no exception... "Hey buddy, i do believed your presence and thanks for baptizing me in such weather.... however can i ask for better treatment? I am not particularly fond of baptizing in gale wind, a calm sea will do the same.... by the way... i guess i'd better not be a Christian just yet, for i have other agendas in my mind.... once i settle all these, then i'll consider being one of you or not..." that's pretty much what i think on that occasion.
Got lost several times before finally making to the medical complex..... Thanks to Eddie who saved me from further chaos and brought me to hall...
It's like a new life for me..... who said you deserve all that you own... you can never take anything for granted...
上 午 4 時 天 文 台 錄 得 氣 溫 25 度 , 相 對 濕 度 百 分 之 99 。
請 注 意 :黑 色 暴 雨 警 告 信 號 現 正 生 效 。
雷 暴 警 告 現 正 生 效 ,有 效 時 間 至 7 月 16 日 上 午 6 時 正。
強 烈 季 候 風 信 號 現 正 生 效 。
上 午 2 時 45 分 至 3 時 45 分 , 本 港 各 區 均 有 閃 電 記錄 。
各 區 錄 得 最 高 雨 量 如 下 :中 西 區 85 毫 米
I can only say i was there, outdoor, alone on my usual routine.
Completely soaked, with the wind chill.
I cant find a proper shelter.
Hypothermia soon kicks in.... involuntary muscle twitches (it produce 10 times more heat than normal muscle activities anyways).... Hyperventilation.... i guess my condition must be pretty terrible.... i can feel the pain in my diaphragm.... I collapsed...
I just laid there watching the sky.... whenever there's a lightening, the sky is of special colour.... so special indeed.
I suddenly have a feeling that Death isnt far away.... he's grinning and ready to take his prey.
I dont fear death.... but i'd rather have a more meaningful way of dying.... Saving someone maybe? Or at least to help somebody else..... just not out of plain stupidity, okay?
In such matter of life and death situation, men always do have special affinity towards their god, and i am no exception... "Hey buddy, i do believed your presence and thanks for baptizing me in such weather.... however can i ask for better treatment? I am not particularly fond of baptizing in gale wind, a calm sea will do the same.... by the way... i guess i'd better not be a Christian just yet, for i have other agendas in my mind.... once i settle all these, then i'll consider being one of you or not..." that's pretty much what i think on that occasion.
Got lost several times before finally making to the medical complex..... Thanks to Eddie who saved me from further chaos and brought me to hall...
It's like a new life for me..... who said you deserve all that you own... you can never take anything for granted...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
If you are to choose, will you choose to be ordinary or extraordinary?
It's true that both do have their advantages... I once thought it's a good thing to be ordinary too... but lately feeling stronger and stronger that i dont just want to be an ordinary person anymore..... i need something to prove myself.... I no longer wish to live under other's shadow.
Maybe... that'll be my motivation to success.
PS. Be the 'most common' people is already an extraordinary achievement.... Have you ever come across a Mr. Average in your life? Everyone shines.
It's true that both do have their advantages... I once thought it's a good thing to be ordinary too... but lately feeling stronger and stronger that i dont just want to be an ordinary person anymore..... i need something to prove myself.... I no longer wish to live under other's shadow.
Maybe... that'll be my motivation to success.
PS. Be the 'most common' people is already an extraordinary achievement.... Have you ever come across a Mr. Average in your life? Everyone shines.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Beautiful scenes...
Beautiful scenes do not depend on where you look at it, but how you look at it....
It can be a paradise even in a common place.
Horace and Chow Fai, Sai Wan, i have witnessed one of the best sunrise ever.... thanks.
It's a gorgeous night scene in Cyberport as well.
It can be a paradise even in a common place.
Horace and Chow Fai, Sai Wan, i have witnessed one of the best sunrise ever.... thanks.
It's a gorgeous night scene in Cyberport as well.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Something you dont deserve.
What should you do if you have taken something that dont belong to you?
I feel bad even i have passed my exam.
Talked to sister today, the usual combination of people.... but today my heart ache.
I feel bad even i have passed my exam.
Talked to sister today, the usual combination of people.... but today my heart ache.
Finally learned one reason never to skive lesson...
You'll never know when's your next class....
I have woken up so early only to find that i have class at 11.....
Nevermind... i shall spend this unexpected 2 hours wisely~
You'll never know when's your next class....
I have woken up so early only to find that i have class at 11.....
Nevermind... i shall spend this unexpected 2 hours wisely~
Idle day....
It's such a good rest for me today...
Totally idle for the whole day apart from some light reading...
It's time for me to regroup and rethink.
Thanks Kathy for coming by today.... sorry that my cooking is terrible today.... i guess my mind drifted somewhere else when i was cooking.
My mind is still kept busy even though i am resting.... started the book "Purpose Driven Life" (recommended by my cousin).... hope to find some inspiration there.
Exam results will be released tomorrow.... um...
Totally idle for the whole day apart from some light reading...
It's time for me to regroup and rethink.
Thanks Kathy for coming by today.... sorry that my cooking is terrible today.... i guess my mind drifted somewhere else when i was cooking.
My mind is still kept busy even though i am resting.... started the book "Purpose Driven Life" (recommended by my cousin).... hope to find some inspiration there.
Exam results will be released tomorrow.... um...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
How come tragedy always appear around me? Since a few days before everything just doesnt seems right anymore.... i dont want to see all these.... i no longer want to see my friends suffering...
My pal Jacky got his forearm broken in a basketball match... it's so worrying as this might affect his whole career (dentists earn their living by hand.... please remember).... just hope that he'll be well soon...
Man are too fragile... you'll never know what come up next second... from now on i am going to treasure everyone around me, for no matter sweet or bitter experience, destiny has connected us together...
It's been a great afternoon with horus in CB and mong kok..... thanks for tolerating my 'self-contained' behaviour..... i really appreciated all that.
Fallen once again in my deep thoughts.
My pal Jacky got his forearm broken in a basketball match... it's so worrying as this might affect his whole career (dentists earn their living by hand.... please remember).... just hope that he'll be well soon...
Man are too fragile... you'll never know what come up next second... from now on i am going to treasure everyone around me, for no matter sweet or bitter experience, destiny has connected us together...
It's been a great afternoon with horus in CB and mong kok..... thanks for tolerating my 'self-contained' behaviour..... i really appreciated all that.
Fallen once again in my deep thoughts.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Thanks to my friends... who bought me light and guide me through this dark path of life.
I will not treasure them as much in the past, for i am blind... Your friendships is the greatest asset i ever have in my entire life.
James: I am terribly sorry for your lost.... hang tough buddy.
Finally got rid of my old, faulty mobile phone... currently using an even older one.....
Sometimes, things are just out of human reasoning capacity.... all i can do is try.
I will not treasure them as much in the past, for i am blind... Your friendships is the greatest asset i ever have in my entire life.
James: I am terribly sorry for your lost.... hang tough buddy.
Finally got rid of my old, faulty mobile phone... currently using an even older one.....
Sometimes, things are just out of human reasoning capacity.... all i can do is try.
"近在眼前 時間剛剛好 去讓你知道
見面愉快 告別難過
有沒有誰心中有數 怎麼雙眼尚有濕度
明天將會更好的信徒 如害怕煩惱為何期望太高"
愛人 - 楊千嬅
Friday, July 07, 2006
Shattered Soul
Only you can turn my world upside down.
I lost myself.
Only my shattered soul is left.
I can sit in my room for days looking at sunrise sunset... i let my tears blur my vision..
I lost the joy in my life... i only feel the hollowness in me...
I go to the street wandering... go searching for the memories...
I am like a ghost... I go drifting mindlessly...
I must have taken twenty orange ice-sticks today.... for i can taste your presence...
I miss you.
I lost myself.
Only my shattered soul is left.
I can sit in my room for days looking at sunrise sunset... i let my tears blur my vision..
I lost the joy in my life... i only feel the hollowness in me...
I go to the street wandering... go searching for the memories...
I am like a ghost... I go drifting mindlessly...
I must have taken twenty orange ice-sticks today.... for i can taste your presence...
I miss you.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Knowing what i need most
I will no longer live in yesterday's shadow as i have found what i need most.
I feel lost when you're not here with me.
All that i need - Corrinne May
I'm sorry that I hurt you
I took for granted all you gave so freely to me
I prayed it's not too late
To save you from a broken heart
To promise you
I'll make a brand new start
Believe me, when i say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
You know I'm far from perfect
Like a child that needs a guiding hand
Can you stay here with me
I finally understand
You've always been the missing part
Complete the jigsaw puzzle of my heart
Please hear me when i say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
Please, let me hear your voice again
Let me hear you say your love will never end
That whatever it takes you'll be there
Believe me, when I say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
You are all that I need
I feel lost when you're not here with me.
All that i need - Corrinne May
I'm sorry that I hurt you
I took for granted all you gave so freely to me
I prayed it's not too late
To save you from a broken heart
To promise you
I'll make a brand new start
Believe me, when i say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
You know I'm far from perfect
Like a child that needs a guiding hand
Can you stay here with me
I finally understand
You've always been the missing part
Complete the jigsaw puzzle of my heart
Please hear me when i say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
Please, let me hear your voice again
Let me hear you say your love will never end
That whatever it takes you'll be there
Believe me, when I say
You are all that I need
The only treasure I seek
You're the air that helps me breathe
through the darkest night when I fall down on my knees
I was blind but now I see
You are all that I need
You are all that I need
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I'm back... with thanks
Mood can go swinging.... sometimes natural high, and sometimes record low..... i guess i have just been through my lowest trough for now (i guess it wont be long before i meet the next trough.... release of result on 12 of July.... but anyways).... Thanks so much to my dental groupmates who have showed so much support during these few days....
Chow Fai: Thanks so much for understanding
Angela: I'll remember the time and the 'promises' we made in McDonald..... I miss the days when we have lunch in the Peninsula Hotel ^^
Yvone: Thanks for your patience, not every girl can wait in a game arcade for so long (and being cheated to go there as well)
Horace: Thanks for the time, chatting and shopping with you is always joyful
Maybe i have thought too much lately.... become easily agitated and sometimes fallen into my own thoughts.... but i am now sure that i am doing the right thing.... i am going to do it one-hearted and single-mindedly... the past is passed, and the future is too far to reach, so we have to treasure the present, as it is the greatest present we have from God.
To Ceci: I am sorry as i might have scared you. I have promised that i am not leaving this year no matter what~ of course i am not going to leave hall yet as i still treasure everything i have here, every people, everything and you...
Bought some very lovely stitch dolls today..... they're now displayed neatly on my desk right now~
Song of the day: 只想愛你 - 楊丞琳
心跳的聲音 像舞動奇蹟
你那麼冷靜 忽遠又忽近
原來為愛流的眼淚 也是種甜蜜滋味
只想愛你 當我和你走在一起就已經決定
是你讓我了解自己 可以為愛那麼堅定
只想愛你 好想每天睜開眼睛就能看到你
不管你做任何決定 究竟愛我還是逃避
Chow Fai: Thanks so much for understanding
Angela: I'll remember the time and the 'promises' we made in McDonald..... I miss the days when we have lunch in the Peninsula Hotel ^^
Yvone: Thanks for your patience, not every girl can wait in a game arcade for so long (and being cheated to go there as well)
Horace: Thanks for the time, chatting and shopping with you is always joyful
Maybe i have thought too much lately.... become easily agitated and sometimes fallen into my own thoughts.... but i am now sure that i am doing the right thing.... i am going to do it one-hearted and single-mindedly... the past is passed, and the future is too far to reach, so we have to treasure the present, as it is the greatest present we have from God.
To Ceci: I am sorry as i might have scared you. I have promised that i am not leaving this year no matter what~ of course i am not going to leave hall yet as i still treasure everything i have here, every people, everything and you...
Bought some very lovely stitch dolls today..... they're now displayed neatly on my desk right now~
Song of the day: 只想愛你 - 楊丞琳
心跳的聲音 像舞動奇蹟
你那麼冷靜 忽遠又忽近
原來為愛流的眼淚 也是種甜蜜滋味
只想愛你 當我和你走在一起就已經決定
是你讓我了解自己 可以為愛那麼堅定
只想愛你 好想每天睜開眼睛就能看到你
不管你做任何決定 究竟愛我還是逃避
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Sentimental Entry
Okay.... I have endured another sleepless night. Maybe it's at times like this that make people think more sentimentally.... no matter what, i still want to share what i think lately with you all...
I dunno why, but i feel very lonely lately.... it's not that my friends are not 'physically' present, but it's like we all are too fussed by a whole lot of different things in our lifes that make me feel so distanced.... it's like we are on different chapters of the book.... sometimes i may flip through the chapter, paying very little attention while you are concentrating on it; or sometimes it's me who is too focused that i failed to see your need... Maybe this is like what the elderly said, it's all part of life.... but then, i just cant accept it yet.....
I would like to thank all my friends so much. I must be a very difficult and troublesome people to hang out with.... i am just too arrogant (but in the same time ignorant), insensitive about others feeling and too self centered.... you all are great people for tolerating me... you have shaped me into a better person and i really appreciated that...
Maybe i have really grown up a little.... suddenly have the thought that i no longer wish to take any risk.... i just want everything steady and go step by step...
Suddenly have a single thought of leaving hall and go back home... but there is still one thing on my mind that i cant put down yet, one deepest regret... i wish by the time i leave i can have your forgiveness...
同類 - 孫燕姿
雨後的城市 寂寞又狼狽
路邊的座位 他空著在等誰
我拉住時間 他卻不理會
有沒有別人 跟我一樣很想被安慰
風 停了又吹 我忽然想起誰
天 亮了又黑 我過了好幾歲
心 暖了又灰 世界 有時候孤單的很
愛 收了又給 我們都不太完美
夢 做了又碎 我們有幾次機會 去追
不曉得為什麼愛 又稀少又昂貴
雲在半空中 被微風剪碎
回憶也許美 可是正在飛走對不對
I dunno why, but i feel very lonely lately.... it's not that my friends are not 'physically' present, but it's like we all are too fussed by a whole lot of different things in our lifes that make me feel so distanced.... it's like we are on different chapters of the book.... sometimes i may flip through the chapter, paying very little attention while you are concentrating on it; or sometimes it's me who is too focused that i failed to see your need... Maybe this is like what the elderly said, it's all part of life.... but then, i just cant accept it yet.....
I would like to thank all my friends so much. I must be a very difficult and troublesome people to hang out with.... i am just too arrogant (but in the same time ignorant), insensitive about others feeling and too self centered.... you all are great people for tolerating me... you have shaped me into a better person and i really appreciated that...
Maybe i have really grown up a little.... suddenly have the thought that i no longer wish to take any risk.... i just want everything steady and go step by step...
Suddenly have a single thought of leaving hall and go back home... but there is still one thing on my mind that i cant put down yet, one deepest regret... i wish by the time i leave i can have your forgiveness...
同類 - 孫燕姿
雨後的城市 寂寞又狼狽
路邊的座位 他空著在等誰
我拉住時間 他卻不理會
有沒有別人 跟我一樣很想被安慰
風 停了又吹 我忽然想起誰
天 亮了又黑 我過了好幾歲
心 暖了又灰 世界 有時候孤單的很
愛 收了又給 我們都不太完美
夢 做了又碎 我們有幾次機會 去追
不曉得為什麼愛 又稀少又昂貴
雲在半空中 被微風剪碎
回憶也許美 可是正在飛走對不對
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