Saturday, December 10, 2005

Holiday at last.....

Thanks god i have finally finished all class for year 2005 (still got one exam coming up actually), good time for a short break before heading to class again in 2006....

Friday morning, though i have plenty of sleep the night before, i still feel quite tired in the morning session when having the ortho lesson.... just cant get the faintest idea on orthodontics yet..... but today's lesson has already been better than a week before (which i slept as if i am dead....)... things will get better with times.... i am sure about this.....

Our group have also arranged a visit to Dr. She's clinic in MK next week.... really wanted to see how the private practice is like (this is actually the last PBL problem for year 5..... Kathy and Charles are having their final PBL lesson today.... that's so great, they can finally escape from this system while i still have years to go.....)

Had lunch and fell asleep like dead in the library....

Afternoon, clinical time.... has been doing quite well in the restorative work today.... i am going to have the exactly same procedure in my key skill assessment next week, just hope that i can maintain such standard on that day (hard as i dun have any clinic next week.... i am on holiday already....) Just realized one reason why i should hate Dr. F. Chu so much (just in case if you forgot... his name pop up quite often in my blog and he is the tutor for my group... whenever you see his name you shall also see the cursing i had for him....)... It so happened that he is a DBS boy... i never feel the rivalry between the 2 school as fierce as this..... (if you dont know what i am saying, just ignore it....)

Had a pleasurable chat with my groupmates in McDonald... that should be the last time we chat before the exam.... Add oil everyone.... Superpass is a must ^^

Got back to hall and did the laundry and cleaned my room... now the room is perfectly prepared for study.... gotta strive hard during the holiday!!!

Gave myself a break for today..... just gaming and chat with floormates....

Realized that i have not contacted my friends for long time..... i am going to make up for it.... shall meet with Kevin tomorrow and find sister for dinner sometime in next week~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation, bro! Happy holiday!