A sudden inspiration during work today...
Nothing is more important than to please your boss... (of coz, assuming that you have a boss to work for)
No matter how bizarre the boss request seems to be..... still gotta do it...
Scottish bagpipe song that was played in Force funeral?
Ans: Last Post.
Legal power to embody conditions in liquor licence?
Ans: s.46 of DCO.
Of course... have to accompany the boss for breakfast, lunch or whenever he is hungry...
Is this really my job?
Waiting game is always the hardest...
I've finally complied the legal advice....
Must now await the judgement day on Monday.... but what the hell.... I'll enjoy the weekend.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
蔡子強 - 照稿讀「蝦碌」趣談
想起這段故事,是因為較早之前,印度外長克里希納(S.M. Krishna)於聯合國安理會發言時,亦因為「照稿讀」,鬧出了另一笑話。
事緣2月12日,安理會安排各國代表就「維持國際和平與安全」這個題目發言,78歲的克里希納,被安排在葡萄牙外長阿馬多(Luis Amado)之後,但不料,他卻大意地拿起前者遺留在台上的稿子便照讀起來,而偏偏後者的發言稿又沒有寫上國名與自己姓名,讓他更加懵然不覺。起初其他人已覺不妥,因為他一開始讀的一段文字,有一些與其身分及印度國情根本不符,甚至格格不入,當他讀到「我對今天在現場恰巧有兩個葡語系成員國巴西和葡萄牙深感欣慰」時,其他人才如夢初醒,印度駐聯合國常任代表普里(Hardeep Puri)才急忙上前,打斷他的說話,並請他重新發言。台下頓時傳出了一陣笑聲。
這一風波傳回印度國內,政界頓時嘩然,反對派又豈會放過,指摘這樣一個低級錯誤將影響印度申請加入常任理事國的努力,反對黨領袖Venkaiah Naidu要求克里希納下台,並揶揄說這顯示了這個政府及其內閣部長的水平。但克里希納還厚顏的說,這次犯錯其實沒有什麼大不了,還撒賴說只是因為太多的紙張置於他跟前,而這類演說開始時,講的大致上都是差不多那些東西云云。
網民則抨擊讓一個78歲高齡的老人擔任外長本身就不合適,說他該在家裏弄孫為樂。不過,說開又說,最近另外一位73歲老人家,在演說時一樣因為「照稿讀」而出洋相,只是想不到,那是在鏡頭前口若懸河、雄辯滔滔的演技派巨星,我最喜愛的摩根費曼(Morgan Freeman)。
如果大家去年有看電影《Invictus》(不敗雄心),相信都會被片中扮演曼德拉的摩根費曼幾段擲地有聲的演講和說話深深感動過。或許美國申辦 2022年世界盃籌委會內諸公,也是其一,於是請來他在申辦大會上為該國站台,還發表演說力撐。不料這位演技和說話皆千錘百煉的巨星,卻老貓燒鬚,一樣因「照稿讀」而露出洋相,讀了一陣之後,忽然停頓了幾秒,才尷尬的說:「對不起,我漏了一頁(I'm sorry, I missed a page)。」
2009年3月17日,51歲的愛爾蘭總理考恩(Brian Cowen)到訪白宮,在晚宴中致辭時,卻因為照着電子提詞機(teleprompter)的提詞來讀,結果誤讀了本應由奧巴馬說的講辭,而尷尬不已。
「我們今天首先歡迎美國的一位堅定盟友」(We begin by welcoming today a strong friend of the United States),考恩還跟着提詞機讀了約20秒才發現不對勁,才轉向奧巴馬尷尬的說﹕「這是你的講辭!為何這機器不為我服務?誰說這機器可防止人出醜?」(That's your speech! Why don't these things work for me? Who said these things were idiot-proof?)
不愧為在西方民主中打滾多年的政治人,還懂得第一時間說笑話為自己解嘲,以笑來遮掩尷尬。而奧巴馬也不遜色,笑着回到講台上,提詞機這時卻顯示了考恩的講辭,奧巴馬立時機靈的跟着機器說﹕「首先,我要向奧巴馬致謝」(First, I'd like to say thank you to President Obama!),再次引來哄堂大笑。
助手代撰寫 照本宣讀致犯錯
之所以出現前述這些因「照稿讀」而引發的「蝦碌」笑話,當然是因為如今幾乎所有政治人物,演說基本上都是由助手代為撰寫,自己只負責照本宣讀,因此便有機會出現因不掌握講詞而犯錯。事實上,以美國總統為例,史上只有傑弗遜(Thomas Jefferson)、麥迪遜(James Madison)、林肯、老羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)以及威爾遜(Woodrew Wilson)5位,演講稿是自己親自操刀,其餘的都是由別人代筆。
想起這段故事,是因為較早之前,印度外長克里希納(S.M. Krishna)於聯合國安理會發言時,亦因為「照稿讀」,鬧出了另一笑話。
事緣2月12日,安理會安排各國代表就「維持國際和平與安全」這個題目發言,78歲的克里希納,被安排在葡萄牙外長阿馬多(Luis Amado)之後,但不料,他卻大意地拿起前者遺留在台上的稿子便照讀起來,而偏偏後者的發言稿又沒有寫上國名與自己姓名,讓他更加懵然不覺。起初其他人已覺不妥,因為他一開始讀的一段文字,有一些與其身分及印度國情根本不符,甚至格格不入,當他讀到「我對今天在現場恰巧有兩個葡語系成員國巴西和葡萄牙深感欣慰」時,其他人才如夢初醒,印度駐聯合國常任代表普里(Hardeep Puri)才急忙上前,打斷他的說話,並請他重新發言。台下頓時傳出了一陣笑聲。
這一風波傳回印度國內,政界頓時嘩然,反對派又豈會放過,指摘這樣一個低級錯誤將影響印度申請加入常任理事國的努力,反對黨領袖Venkaiah Naidu要求克里希納下台,並揶揄說這顯示了這個政府及其內閣部長的水平。但克里希納還厚顏的說,這次犯錯其實沒有什麼大不了,還撒賴說只是因為太多的紙張置於他跟前,而這類演說開始時,講的大致上都是差不多那些東西云云。
網民則抨擊讓一個78歲高齡的老人擔任外長本身就不合適,說他該在家裏弄孫為樂。不過,說開又說,最近另外一位73歲老人家,在演說時一樣因為「照稿讀」而出洋相,只是想不到,那是在鏡頭前口若懸河、雄辯滔滔的演技派巨星,我最喜愛的摩根費曼(Morgan Freeman)。
如果大家去年有看電影《Invictus》(不敗雄心),相信都會被片中扮演曼德拉的摩根費曼幾段擲地有聲的演講和說話深深感動過。或許美國申辦 2022年世界盃籌委會內諸公,也是其一,於是請來他在申辦大會上為該國站台,還發表演說力撐。不料這位演技和說話皆千錘百煉的巨星,卻老貓燒鬚,一樣因「照稿讀」而露出洋相,讀了一陣之後,忽然停頓了幾秒,才尷尬的說:「對不起,我漏了一頁(I'm sorry, I missed a page)。」
2009年3月17日,51歲的愛爾蘭總理考恩(Brian Cowen)到訪白宮,在晚宴中致辭時,卻因為照着電子提詞機(teleprompter)的提詞來讀,結果誤讀了本應由奧巴馬說的講辭,而尷尬不已。
「我們今天首先歡迎美國的一位堅定盟友」(We begin by welcoming today a strong friend of the United States),考恩還跟着提詞機讀了約20秒才發現不對勁,才轉向奧巴馬尷尬的說﹕「這是你的講辭!為何這機器不為我服務?誰說這機器可防止人出醜?」(That's your speech! Why don't these things work for me? Who said these things were idiot-proof?)
不愧為在西方民主中打滾多年的政治人,還懂得第一時間說笑話為自己解嘲,以笑來遮掩尷尬。而奧巴馬也不遜色,笑着回到講台上,提詞機這時卻顯示了考恩的講辭,奧巴馬立時機靈的跟着機器說﹕「首先,我要向奧巴馬致謝」(First, I'd like to say thank you to President Obama!),再次引來哄堂大笑。
助手代撰寫 照本宣讀致犯錯
之所以出現前述這些因「照稿讀」而引發的「蝦碌」笑話,當然是因為如今幾乎所有政治人物,演說基本上都是由助手代為撰寫,自己只負責照本宣讀,因此便有機會出現因不掌握講詞而犯錯。事實上,以美國總統為例,史上只有傑弗遜(Thomas Jefferson)、麥迪遜(James Madison)、林肯、老羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)以及威爾遜(Woodrew Wilson)5位,演講稿是自己親自操刀,其餘的都是由別人代筆。
Friday, February 25, 2011
Busy busy~
Time to pay and repent...
Sitting on some files over the past weeks.... now they have their revenge.... together.
Got a few files reaching deadline this week....
Got some unexpected project to work on...
Life today was really chaotic...
The only bright point of the day... I still manage to get back to home before eleven....
I count that as a blessing already.... how pathetic.
It's been so long, isnt it?
Sitting on some files over the past weeks.... now they have their revenge.... together.
Got a few files reaching deadline this week....
Got some unexpected project to work on...
Life today was really chaotic...
The only bright point of the day... I still manage to get back to home before eleven....
I count that as a blessing already.... how pathetic.
It's been so long, isnt it?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Self Isolation.
Boss was on sick leave on Tuesday, enjoyed a day without boss around...
Nothing too much...
Life was more or less the same on Wednesday...
Work progress was a bit slower as expected... but I did attend scene for a nasty suicide case... well, now I've seen it, there's no more guess work left from the imcomplete files that appear on my desk....
Been reading some confidential operation orders.... I never know some training exercise in police college were derived from the orders.... not a bad training afterall.
Tomorrow must work hard.... just two days before weekend... Strive hard.
Nothing too much...
Life was more or less the same on Wednesday...
Work progress was a bit slower as expected... but I did attend scene for a nasty suicide case... well, now I've seen it, there's no more guess work left from the imcomplete files that appear on my desk....
Been reading some confidential operation orders.... I never know some training exercise in police college were derived from the orders.... not a bad training afterall.
Tomorrow must work hard.... just two days before weekend... Strive hard.
Monday, February 21, 2011
My recent FUBAR life.
If you now what I am saying.
I was so lack of motivation this week...
After seeing friends on a good Friday night, my life stalled...
Ran into obstacles in every path that I chose...
I made a decision one more time... I let time slip... it can be fun sitting on the sofa all day, wondering what's going on on the street below me... am I mentally healthy? Could this be signs of depression?
Procrastination, once again.
Dues must be paid, and I pay them today...
No efficiency at all, or I am just too fed up with rewriting the whole report over and over only to suit one's taste in English...
Got unhappy news from Kennon lately. Remember, give up the burden on your shoulder, but retain your faith and passion. We are always supporting you, no matter what.
Got a big surprise tonight. Glad you are back from India, waiting for your experience sharing.
If you now what I am saying.
I was so lack of motivation this week...
After seeing friends on a good Friday night, my life stalled...
Ran into obstacles in every path that I chose...
I made a decision one more time... I let time slip... it can be fun sitting on the sofa all day, wondering what's going on on the street below me... am I mentally healthy? Could this be signs of depression?
Procrastination, once again.
Dues must be paid, and I pay them today...
No efficiency at all, or I am just too fed up with rewriting the whole report over and over only to suit one's taste in English...
Got unhappy news from Kennon lately. Remember, give up the burden on your shoulder, but retain your faith and passion. We are always supporting you, no matter what.
Got a big surprise tonight. Glad you are back from India, waiting for your experience sharing.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday... it's always good since it's the last day of work for the week.
Big boss was not around today. The place was in its tranquility....
I ended up having several meals in one day....
Starting with breakfast with colleagues, then go yum cha with boss at noon... accompanying him to do shopping in Aberdeen Town Centre (as part of the job)...
Finally find the time to compile the legal cover (again!) in the afternoon.
Can not complete the cover during office hour, seems like I'll have to work extra in weekend.
Whatever, it's a good ole Friday night and I did not waste it.
Had a dinner with my 'gang', Sam, Alvin, Jeff, James, Lo Kai, Dan, Bear and Winnie... what more can I say about them? They're awesome people....
It's so much fun even when we're just speaking non-sense... probably we didnt have the chance to express ourself much in work?
Touched on the issue of marriage tonight... seriously, at one point of my life, I thought I would get married in a young age... but now, considering all factors, this seems more and more distant goal.
My best wishes to all those who dared to commit themselves to marriage. I envy you.
Seems like my gym effort paid off a bit.... but still, I must keep on.
Thoughts flooded my mind tonight...
I'd better stop here.
Big boss was not around today. The place was in its tranquility....
I ended up having several meals in one day....
Starting with breakfast with colleagues, then go yum cha with boss at noon... accompanying him to do shopping in Aberdeen Town Centre (as part of the job)...
Finally find the time to compile the legal cover (again!) in the afternoon.
Can not complete the cover during office hour, seems like I'll have to work extra in weekend.
Whatever, it's a good ole Friday night and I did not waste it.
Had a dinner with my 'gang', Sam, Alvin, Jeff, James, Lo Kai, Dan, Bear and Winnie... what more can I say about them? They're awesome people....
It's so much fun even when we're just speaking non-sense... probably we didnt have the chance to express ourself much in work?
Touched on the issue of marriage tonight... seriously, at one point of my life, I thought I would get married in a young age... but now, considering all factors, this seems more and more distant goal.
My best wishes to all those who dared to commit themselves to marriage. I envy you.
Seems like my gym effort paid off a bit.... but still, I must keep on.
Thoughts flooded my mind tonight...
I'd better stop here.
蔡子強 - 女朋友在十年之後
在他筆下,你不會找到「家明」和「玫瑰」,這類美麗優雅但卻遙不可及的ideal type,你甚至會看不起男主角的淺薄、急色,但他們的語言、思維方式,都是今日都市上班族,又或者「港男」、「港女」的典型。而作者的筆觸,亦由亦舒式的把愛情寫得煞有介事,變得witty、跳脫、機靈、以及——凡間。
.提起S&M並不是想起Sales & Marketing的女生;
.美麗得令人心悸,但卻極度自我中心,以為這是她的世界,其他人只是寄居其中,如果地板太冷,要別人鋪上地毯,也不願意自己穿上拖鞋的女生 ……
這裏所謂的「女朋友」,含義上也出現了一些微妙的變化,從昔日的「girl friend」,變成了今天「女性的朋友」;從昔日狩獵的目標,變成了今天分享的對象;從昔日的「界女」,變成了今天的「聆聽」。
首先是「世界末日小姐」。她不只把每個愛人都當做最後一個,也把每一天也當做最後一天,因此,對金錢、健康、時間都毫無保留。她狼吞虎嚥地嘗試新的事物、新的男人(和新的女人)、以及新的痛苦。她會找你去跳傘,但從飛機上跳下後,卻久久的不把傘打開 ……
Because of this passage, I wanted to read both books.
在他筆下,你不會找到「家明」和「玫瑰」,這類美麗優雅但卻遙不可及的ideal type,你甚至會看不起男主角的淺薄、急色,但他們的語言、思維方式,都是今日都市上班族,又或者「港男」、「港女」的典型。而作者的筆觸,亦由亦舒式的把愛情寫得煞有介事,變得witty、跳脫、機靈、以及——凡間。
.提起S&M並不是想起Sales & Marketing的女生;
.美麗得令人心悸,但卻極度自我中心,以為這是她的世界,其他人只是寄居其中,如果地板太冷,要別人鋪上地毯,也不願意自己穿上拖鞋的女生 ……
這裏所謂的「女朋友」,含義上也出現了一些微妙的變化,從昔日的「girl friend」,變成了今天「女性的朋友」;從昔日狩獵的目標,變成了今天分享的對象;從昔日的「界女」,變成了今天的「聆聽」。
首先是「世界末日小姐」。她不只把每個愛人都當做最後一個,也把每一天也當做最後一天,因此,對金錢、健康、時間都毫無保留。她狼吞虎嚥地嘗試新的事物、新的男人(和新的女人)、以及新的痛苦。她會找你去跳傘,但從飛機上跳下後,卻久久的不把傘打開 ……
Because of this passage, I wanted to read both books.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Heaven and Hell.
Skipped to write yesterday... for some reason...
Wednesday went okay.... productivity was so and so.... one reason was because too much time was spent outdoor...
Had a licence check inside the new Ocean Park's Aquarium.... fascinating view from the VIP room of its restaurant... it's so good to take a break once in a while.
Work on a couple of files before I head out for Stanley... facing the sea with a cup of coffee... that's what life is all about, isnt it?
My work can occassionally be lovely.
Got home at 7ish.... took a shower and as it was such a cold day, I intend to warm myself on my bed with the thick blanket.... little did i expect I will fall asleep that soon, even skipping dinner.....
I slept all the way till 8 in the morning.... how rejuvenating~
The day was heavenly.
Thursday... a vast contrast.
The morning was still okay.... despite my intray was flooded with files, I still manage to clear most of them and squeeze time for a work-out session during lunch time....
The afternoon was hellish...
Big boss and boss locked horn in a power struggle.... and I'm the only victim of their act...
A complete re-write of the legal advice cover report? You must be kidding me....
Seems like it'll be a busy weekend.
Still.... always look on the bright side of life.... and learn to cherish the blessing or good thing, however small.
Me and my team went out for shopping today... I can see the fridge in my office have some resembelance to the one in my hall.... so full of coke, food, and snacks...
That's what morale is all about.
I now understand why my senior told me that 10 percent of his salary was spent on his colleagues.... I'm doing the same thing.
But no matter what... all things were so minor... cause just when I was about to lose hope in everything.
Wednesday went okay.... productivity was so and so.... one reason was because too much time was spent outdoor...
Had a licence check inside the new Ocean Park's Aquarium.... fascinating view from the VIP room of its restaurant... it's so good to take a break once in a while.
Work on a couple of files before I head out for Stanley... facing the sea with a cup of coffee... that's what life is all about, isnt it?
My work can occassionally be lovely.
Got home at 7ish.... took a shower and as it was such a cold day, I intend to warm myself on my bed with the thick blanket.... little did i expect I will fall asleep that soon, even skipping dinner.....
I slept all the way till 8 in the morning.... how rejuvenating~
The day was heavenly.
Thursday... a vast contrast.
The morning was still okay.... despite my intray was flooded with files, I still manage to clear most of them and squeeze time for a work-out session during lunch time....
The afternoon was hellish...
Big boss and boss locked horn in a power struggle.... and I'm the only victim of their act...
A complete re-write of the legal advice cover report? You must be kidding me....
Seems like it'll be a busy weekend.
Still.... always look on the bright side of life.... and learn to cherish the blessing or good thing, however small.
Me and my team went out for shopping today... I can see the fridge in my office have some resembelance to the one in my hall.... so full of coke, food, and snacks...
That's what morale is all about.
I now understand why my senior told me that 10 percent of his salary was spent on his colleagues.... I'm doing the same thing.
But no matter what... all things were so minor... cause just when I was about to lose hope in everything.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Boss' not around today.
Boss was away for the day.
Gotta get back early to prepare myself for the big boss prayer.
Actually when the boss is not around, the productivity actually goes up...
Probably because the boss was not assigning tedious tasks every half hour or so...
Today things went quite well...
The death report writing was a bit slow, but I made up for it as I started my crazy revision plan today.... one chapter of order and manuals per day....
It's not that hard, given that I'm reading the introductory chapters....
Dont know how it goes.... just let it be.
Was facing trouble in man-power issues..... since when is sub-unit so short of man power?
And I guess the post of my department was a key (important) post... when will the station sergeant have insight in career development for their staff?
It's been a great conversation in the evening... but yet... it feels so distant...
Gotta get back early to prepare myself for the big boss prayer.
Actually when the boss is not around, the productivity actually goes up...
Probably because the boss was not assigning tedious tasks every half hour or so...
Today things went quite well...
The death report writing was a bit slow, but I made up for it as I started my crazy revision plan today.... one chapter of order and manuals per day....
It's not that hard, given that I'm reading the introductory chapters....
Dont know how it goes.... just let it be.
Was facing trouble in man-power issues..... since when is sub-unit so short of man power?
And I guess the post of my department was a key (important) post... when will the station sergeant have insight in career development for their staff?
It's been a great conversation in the evening... but yet... it feels so distant...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine's Day.
It's valentine's day today.
But it's also a work day.
Nothing much.... work's in progress...
Was able to jog for a while and head for gym during the "extended" lunch hour.
Finally found the determination, Standard 3, here I come.
Boss will be away tomorrow... Just hope things will be running smoothly in the Admin wing.
"Lucky - Jason Marz"
But it's also a work day.
Nothing much.... work's in progress...
Was able to jog for a while and head for gym during the "extended" lunch hour.
Finally found the determination, Standard 3, here I come.
Boss will be away tomorrow... Just hope things will be running smoothly in the Admin wing.
"Lucky - Jason Marz"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Good weekend.
This week is good... nothing too much... finally have some clues on future.
Start on Friday.
Got back-stabbed by a colleague. That Bastard. "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on myself."
I shall not actively seek for revenge at this stage. But if you cross me one more time, things will be so different.
Had the "Open Year Meal" with colleagues... favourite hot pot (and a lot of beer and wine)...
It's so good to be hanging out... so good for team building~
Saturday... it's been a while since I can sleep till late... once again... chit-chat for a while, some movie and reading. My favourite way to spend a saturday~
Reunion with my chong-mates of WUS from university time... the guys and gals were all doing great...
When was the last time I saw them?? May 2009.... I'm sure as I met them to tell them I'm going for police college~
Time flies... but it's so happy to see them today.
Remember our date in March~ Hiking will be good.
Seriously... I sat down and considered my future... Is it enough for me? Slowing down at this stage means I'm not fulfilling to my fullest potential...
I made up my mind...
I shall start revising for the upcoming promotion exam, that's for sure.
And I'll pursue one more degree.... possibly a JD degree... I hope that shall be fun and beneficial for my development.
But as always, time is the biggest constraint... Have to think carefully.
It's Valentine's day... my blessings to everyone~ Enjoy the day :)
Start on Friday.
Got back-stabbed by a colleague. That Bastard. "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on myself."
I shall not actively seek for revenge at this stage. But if you cross me one more time, things will be so different.
Had the "Open Year Meal" with colleagues... favourite hot pot (and a lot of beer and wine)...
It's so good to be hanging out... so good for team building~
Saturday... it's been a while since I can sleep till late... once again... chit-chat for a while, some movie and reading. My favourite way to spend a saturday~
Reunion with my chong-mates of WUS from university time... the guys and gals were all doing great...
When was the last time I saw them?? May 2009.... I'm sure as I met them to tell them I'm going for police college~
Time flies... but it's so happy to see them today.
Remember our date in March~ Hiking will be good.
Seriously... I sat down and considered my future... Is it enough for me? Slowing down at this stage means I'm not fulfilling to my fullest potential...
I made up my mind...
I shall start revising for the upcoming promotion exam, that's for sure.
And I'll pursue one more degree.... possibly a JD degree... I hope that shall be fun and beneficial for my development.
But as always, time is the biggest constraint... Have to think carefully.
It's Valentine's day... my blessings to everyone~ Enjoy the day :)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
陳奕迅 - 苦瓜
Thank you Wyman... for another excellent piece of lyrics.
也像我很糾結的公事 此際回頭看 原來並沒有事"
到大悟大徹將虎嚥的昇華 等消化學沏茶
Friday, February 11, 2011
Open Year Meal
Work's still busy...
Got a strong feeling of exhaustion by noon.... when I come up with a plan to turn money into energy....
I treated my colleagues for Open Year Lunch~
Where? The most famous food in Aberdeen.... fresh seafood...
It's like the gambling dice, we've got a groupa (fish), prawns, and crabs...
Conch as well as fried cuttlefish...
I think it's one of the most outrageous lunch I ever take...
Nevermind, as long as we're enjoying it.
The post-90's are getting more and more nonsense...
Got a case that we need to handle a teenager... she verbally abused all of us from the start... that's where my sergeant become useful...
That was an obvious improper conduct as a police officer... but it's need in unusual time.
Outcome? Ever seen a frightened dog with the tail between the legs.... that's a close description.
This job really require good EQ. (Or very low EQ will do too.)
Take care, weather is changing~
For a friend who's leaving for India tomorrow. Safe trip. Expecting your post card~
Got a strong feeling of exhaustion by noon.... when I come up with a plan to turn money into energy....
I treated my colleagues for Open Year Lunch~
Where? The most famous food in Aberdeen.... fresh seafood...
It's like the gambling dice, we've got a groupa (fish), prawns, and crabs...
Conch as well as fried cuttlefish...
I think it's one of the most outrageous lunch I ever take...
Nevermind, as long as we're enjoying it.
The post-90's are getting more and more nonsense...
Got a case that we need to handle a teenager... she verbally abused all of us from the start... that's where my sergeant become useful...
That was an obvious improper conduct as a police officer... but it's need in unusual time.
Outcome? Ever seen a frightened dog with the tail between the legs.... that's a close description.
This job really require good EQ. (Or very low EQ will do too.)
Take care, weather is changing~
For a friend who's leaving for India tomorrow. Safe trip. Expecting your post card~
Thursday, February 10, 2011
A day to remember.
Everyday it's like a roller coaster ride.
In the morning was high tension... things were a bit better by afternoon... things rough up again when the bailee come back.... by the end of day it's good as before...
I now know why the previous post-holder couldnt stand the stress here.
Today it's a good day to remember...
After working on overtime for three days, the cover report for seeking legal advice for a extremely complicated case was finally completed... What a relieve... This job has been haunting me since the first day I took up the post.... now that it's gone and I felt so much better.
Today is also the day I passed my motorcycle test... I only arrived at the driving school 1 minute before the actual test (thanks so much to the pay-face spring reception...) I didnt even have the chance to try my bike before I head for the test.... but I think I'd rather gifted with machines, just a soft grip on the clutch and I know how it goes. Pass in one go, Hurray~
Dont know why but I've been thinking of a career change lately... not because I felt the pressure of the current job.... but quite the contrary, I'm seeking for more pressure, I felt the current job was a bit dry and not challenging enough... Where else shall I go? Shall I chase my dream and become an ace pilot?
Though there had been disappointment lately... I am still grateful.
In the morning was high tension... things were a bit better by afternoon... things rough up again when the bailee come back.... by the end of day it's good as before...
I now know why the previous post-holder couldnt stand the stress here.
Today it's a good day to remember...
After working on overtime for three days, the cover report for seeking legal advice for a extremely complicated case was finally completed... What a relieve... This job has been haunting me since the first day I took up the post.... now that it's gone and I felt so much better.
Today is also the day I passed my motorcycle test... I only arrived at the driving school 1 minute before the actual test (thanks so much to the pay-face spring reception...) I didnt even have the chance to try my bike before I head for the test.... but I think I'd rather gifted with machines, just a soft grip on the clutch and I know how it goes. Pass in one go, Hurray~
Dont know why but I've been thinking of a career change lately... not because I felt the pressure of the current job.... but quite the contrary, I'm seeking for more pressure, I felt the current job was a bit dry and not challenging enough... Where else shall I go? Shall I chase my dream and become an ace pilot?
Though there had been disappointment lately... I am still grateful.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Lazy bones?
Let me count.
I took up this post on 2010-12-23.
Given that I work 5 days a week.
Minus the public holiday.
I have officially worked 38 days.
Further subtract the 6 half days I spent on patrol, I have 35 left.
Minus some 'pay face party' and DVC conference and one day Living-the-Value workshop.
I got 32 left.
I also have a day I was so sick that'd I couldnt stand straight.... but nevermind, I'll still count that day, afterall, I was physically present at work.
32 days.... what have I done?
Completed 9 death reports from sketch.
Submitted at least 10 of interim report.
Attended 1 Death Inquest.
Drafted a new chapter of DVC standing order.
Amended 2 chapters of standing order.
Compiled a southern district development report.
Handled some 30 plus dragon and lion dance permit.
Drafted reply for 50 plus personal data request.
Drafted advertisment for my own post, and my subordinates' as well.
Four annual report for staff.
Numerous liquor, arms and other licence checks.
100 plus death files that I've read.
And most important of all. A 10 page cover report to seek legal advice for a operation that I didnt even take part.
Now the boss was saying I still work too slow, that I lacked the drive.
You really think the words can go print on the paper by themselves? There's no work required?
Deep breath, stay calm... Being mad or angry wont help the issue.
Tomorrow will be another 'pay face party'.... those new year gathering stuff.... What a waste of time, really.
I have scheduled my driving exam to be taken tomorrow, you'd better not make me late for that.
Too pissed to sleep now...
Feels like an aggressive disorder is showing its trait on me...
I need some cure. Really.
I took up this post on 2010-12-23.
Given that I work 5 days a week.
Minus the public holiday.
I have officially worked 38 days.
Further subtract the 6 half days I spent on patrol, I have 35 left.
Minus some 'pay face party' and DVC conference and one day Living-the-Value workshop.
I got 32 left.
I also have a day I was so sick that'd I couldnt stand straight.... but nevermind, I'll still count that day, afterall, I was physically present at work.
32 days.... what have I done?
Completed 9 death reports from sketch.
Submitted at least 10 of interim report.
Attended 1 Death Inquest.
Drafted a new chapter of DVC standing order.
Amended 2 chapters of standing order.
Compiled a southern district development report.
Handled some 30 plus dragon and lion dance permit.
Drafted reply for 50 plus personal data request.
Drafted advertisment for my own post, and my subordinates' as well.
Four annual report for staff.
Numerous liquor, arms and other licence checks.
100 plus death files that I've read.
And most important of all. A 10 page cover report to seek legal advice for a operation that I didnt even take part.
Now the boss was saying I still work too slow, that I lacked the drive.
You really think the words can go print on the paper by themselves? There's no work required?
Deep breath, stay calm... Being mad or angry wont help the issue.
Tomorrow will be another 'pay face party'.... those new year gathering stuff.... What a waste of time, really.
I have scheduled my driving exam to be taken tomorrow, you'd better not make me late for that.
Too pissed to sleep now...
Feels like an aggressive disorder is showing its trait on me...
I need some cure. Really.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Lazy Holiday.
Spend a few days idly...
It's such a much needed break from work.
Family dinner, visit to boss' place..
all the chinese lunar new year program...
Bought an expensive CD (the high quality SACD) on 1812 overture.... it's such a good piece of music.
It's so close... but yet so distant.
It's such a much needed break from work.
Family dinner, visit to boss' place..
all the chinese lunar new year program...
Bought an expensive CD (the high quality SACD) on 1812 overture.... it's such a good piece of music.
It's so close... but yet so distant.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Winter Transfer Window
Life is full of surprises...
I almost yelled when I log on to goal.com in the morning...
Fernando Torres got sold to Chelski for 50m pounds...
That broke my heart...
But something even more bizarre was...
Liverpool signed Andy Carrol for 35m pounds...
Wow.... will he be a top or flop? Only time can tell.
Some reflections from the transfer window this year...
When things dont go your way, will you endure it or just jump ship like what torres had done?
Do you have the courage and confidence to help steady the ship, like Luis Suraez did?
Some good food for thought...
One thing I'm sure~ You'll Never Walk Alone, Liverpool~
Work's good and bad today...
Some progress made...
But at the same time being schooled for not doing investigation thorough enough...
Fine, you're the boss...
I cant let it ruin my holiday mood...
It's been a while I can sit in front of my computer and chat... it's been great.
I almost yelled when I log on to goal.com in the morning...
Fernando Torres got sold to Chelski for 50m pounds...
That broke my heart...
But something even more bizarre was...
Liverpool signed Andy Carrol for 35m pounds...
Wow.... will he be a top or flop? Only time can tell.
Some reflections from the transfer window this year...
When things dont go your way, will you endure it or just jump ship like what torres had done?
Do you have the courage and confidence to help steady the ship, like Luis Suraez did?
Some good food for thought...
One thing I'm sure~ You'll Never Walk Alone, Liverpool~
Work's good and bad today...
Some progress made...
But at the same time being schooled for not doing investigation thorough enough...
Fine, you're the boss...
I cant let it ruin my holiday mood...
It's been a while I can sit in front of my computer and chat... it's been great.
Contrasting Sunday and Monday.
From the car accident the night before.... I slept late till noon, when I was supposed to meet with Kennon and company. Turned out they were even later than me that I was the first to arrive...
A little chit-chat and mahjong made the day...
Dinner at home and some quiet time in my room.... life's been hectic lately and there's seldom time I can spend on my own.
Life is good.
Was a bit tired on Monday morning.... which coincidentally, is a cold day.
Thankfully nothing too much happened over the weekend.
But still.... I was chasing deadline for the whole day...
I can proudly say I'm one of the 'fast writer' in terms of reports and minutes.... but still... I felt overwhelmed by the workload here... is this normal?
300+ active investigation file, 20ish loose minute. And during the lunar new year I've got to handle some 30 application for lion dance permit...
I use to think once I got myself familiarized with the job, things shall be fine....
But now, almost 2 months have lapsed.... but I'm still chasing shadows...
That means something.... gotta think about it.
I have the realisation why my job requires good stamina.
It's not spent on physical activities..... but file work is some very exhausting task...
I had the feeling today that I was running out of stamina/ideas instead of time... The headache was so intense that I can hardly think...
I'd better sleep now.
A little chit-chat and mahjong made the day...
Dinner at home and some quiet time in my room.... life's been hectic lately and there's seldom time I can spend on my own.
Life is good.
Was a bit tired on Monday morning.... which coincidentally, is a cold day.
Thankfully nothing too much happened over the weekend.
But still.... I was chasing deadline for the whole day...
I can proudly say I'm one of the 'fast writer' in terms of reports and minutes.... but still... I felt overwhelmed by the workload here... is this normal?
300+ active investigation file, 20ish loose minute. And during the lunar new year I've got to handle some 30 application for lion dance permit...
I use to think once I got myself familiarized with the job, things shall be fine....
But now, almost 2 months have lapsed.... but I'm still chasing shadows...
That means something.... gotta think about it.
I have the realisation why my job requires good stamina.
It's not spent on physical activities..... but file work is some very exhausting task...
I had the feeling today that I was running out of stamina/ideas instead of time... The headache was so intense that I can hardly think...
I'd better sleep now.
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