Monday, November 14, 2011


Life is hectic lately, as usual.


Nothing much on Thursday,took a leave day compensating for election day's hard work. Brother is back and hang out with him for a while, and dinner with family that night.


Friday, back to work in holiday mood.

Lunch, DDC get by and celebrate the success of dragon boat team... another social function...

Met the LaSallian senior Andrew Li at DOJ. Hopefully there will be more chances of cooperation.

Josephine of WUS moved to DOJ for work... since I was in admiralty, I find her for a quick drink. And I'm glad to find Ada to join us as well.

When will the WUS people get together again?

Worked till midnight on Friday, to get rid of most file (still got loads though) and to allow myself in procrastinating over the weekend.



Yum Cha with Alvin and Angie etc at Holiday Inn, TST. Food is decent the price is.... outrageous.

An early happy hour by TST promenade.... lovely weather.

Later that night I attended the retirement party of a Sergeant... it's really impressive to spend 35 years on one single job... I should probably learn from him on this aspect.

After the dinner me and my inspector mates went for another round of drink at the "Pawn", Wan Chai. Pretty posh place... And I'm glad we had such a conversation that night.



As my farewell... Me and the staff of MESU went to Police College for BBQ... not just the usual meat and wings BBQ... we are cooking cuttlefish, crabs, clams and tiger prawns.... totally luxurious.

Glad to invite Emma and Ling for the dinner as well... and my parents and brother...

Learning to let them know about my work and life... it's gonna take some time.

But it's a good night... totally full~

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