Monday, November 07, 2011

Busy busy.

Busy... this seems the main theme of this blog already.

Nothing much last week. Again buried my head into my pile of files... seriously, I needed a break from this post.... things are just getting too tedious lately... and I hated it.

Received my tax slip last week and I have got a strong feeling that I am being robbed... gor civil servant, we don't get to paid 13 months salary nor bonus... yet we are so lowly paid when considering our money to workload ratio... now you are telling me I got robbed of 1.5 months salary? Why should I even bother to work?

I chose the right thing in leaving office sharp on time on Thursday and Friday. Dinner in TST at a decent Italian restaurant, then had dinner and drink with sam, alvin, jeff and andy (and partners) in lkf... we ran into Michael wan, Jonathan tang and Gary leung, our high school buddies alongway... really, it's always good catching up with life long buddies like them... am I getting really old now?

Idle Saturday at home and dinner with family.

Got to work on a good ole Sunday for district council election... really bored task...

Dunno why boss got pissed today. Having the power to control everything doesn't mean you are successful... it's just a sign you are a control freak.

Passed my first standard 3 paper... still got 3 more to go...

Still... a bit disappointed as I thought I could have achieved a better result.... well... am I suited to this place?

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