Saturday, November 26, 2011

Past two weeks... Life as a criminal.

It's been really tough clearing the 'dead' files that were literally unmoved since I took up the post.... but at least, I need to pretend I have worked a bit on it... deception? Yes, a bit...

Some surprise to know the inspector who was supposedly taking my post got blocked in the very last minute.... my replacement was someone I'm not very fond of... well... that certainly cut all my motivation to reduce his workload...


Friday night. A happy chong gathering with my WUS buddies.

It's really good to see most of them, though busy, but in good shape.

Congrats to Stephen and Wing who got married in Guam.

Time flies, really...

A quick drink at Henry House... I promise next time I will find a white wine less sweet ^^

Hope to see each other soon.



A date I've been longing for...

TST promenade was particularly gorgeous on that day... magic colour in the skies with the autumn breeze... feels like paradise.

If I were to remember only one thing in life, I will never forget the sweetness of the greentea frappaccino.


Later that night I worked at James' flat in preparation for his wedding... nothing too much... but just helping out some tasks.

The night joined Kennon at his place for the usual activities.... when was the last time I stayed up the whole night?



Unexpected turnout by James...

Woke by noon and helped out the wedding, which would be held on the next day.

Never imagine it's such tedious task... and that I'll have my three meals at 'Tan Tai Fung' dumplings.....

Rushed out to buy my suit at G2000 (little did I know it wont last very long)


When the things were set, I head back to home and had a good night sleep before waking up early as the 'best man'...

Some brotherly chat prior to his crunch time...

We endured a lot of hardship and had been 'played' by the sisters gang...

We poised and took some excellent photos...

Well, frankly, attending wedding could be quite fun too.


Mr. and Mrs. CHAN.

So great to see you two have overcome many hardship and unite as husband and wife on that special night.

May you two have happy, prosperous and long married life.

I hope I can be the godfather of your children~


The banquet... glad it's finally over....

Once I was relieved of my duties, the crazy part of me took over my body and caused an excessive intake of alcohol in short amount of time....

If you dont know what excessive is... waking up in a hospital at 7 the other day without any recollection of what happened the night before is probably a definition of it...

Shit... crazy life... even up till now I have no idea what/who get the better of me.

I could have messed things up.... and I hereby apologize... hope it's not something major.

And by the way... if anyone got any photos/clips that show what exactly happened on that night, I dont mind seeing them.... it must be pretty fun, just like the situation in that Hangover movie.



Supposedly a work day...

But the alcohol in the brain and body forced me to sleep through the day time... I opt to do so in my office such that my boss wont get mad because of my absence...

Bloodshot eyes, clothes with alcohol stench, pale face and disorientation must make me a pretty scary figure... crazy, simply crazy...


Wednesday till Friday.

My first taste in Crime investigation.

Though I was not actively taking up new cases, but going over the files gave me some ideas of it.... should be quite fun, but must be a torturous job...

Am I up to the challenge?

I've got every excuse to be laid back and just defer my files (afterall, I only stand in for few weeks).... but if I were the one doing this.... that's probably me...

Just hope to do the best I can on everything.

No pain, no gain, right?


Thanks Michelle for her counselling... LaSallian is in fact, have great resembelence to the personality of a LEO...

Honour is everything.

But am I putting the focus on the right thing?

Career? Home? Love?

I wish to know.

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