Saturday, October 08, 2011

New record.

I bet I've created another shameful record...

Only five entries in the whole of September?

Going for three weeks without a single entry?

I'm impressed by my own laziness.


I must admit, I drifted into my usual games obsession. A card game called "Sanguo Sha" this time... It's so addictive that I spent most of my afterwork times on it... especially it's an online version where I can compete with different players anytime... gosh...

Thankfully, I manage to get out of its grip (at least for now) and seriously do some work.


I was on leave for the past two weeks. Partly because I was preparing for the upcoming inspector professional exam, and partly because it's been too long since I last had a break.... it's not bad to have a change finally.

Shamefully.... despite my absence, work is still progressing and occassional (and rather frequently) I was still being contacted and instructions had to be made.... what's the point of a holiday?? That means no work (at all).... Sigh... my work is really tying.


My study progress was quite bad.... originally I thought I could attempt two papers... but reality told me one is already too much for my capacity... Will I be able to pass all four papers in short time and earn my promotion??


Life is more than study alone....

I have got quite a number of good dinner and gathering with friends...

All-in-all, I am just glad to have such good friends around me, whenever I need them, they are here for me... thanks.


Officially, it's been one year.

It's time to move on.

Be strong. Lady Luck is smiling. :)

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