Sunday, October 30, 2011

Been really sick last week...

All my work have stalled last week...

On monday and tuesday I still manage to get back to work despite my lips were swollen (at first i suspected some allergic reaction towards the new medication I was on.... but later I learn it's probably some virus-triggered auto immume response that cause many, numerous apthous stomatitis to take place)... but on Tuesday afternoon, when there's a cut feeling on the angle of my mouth, a fever and pain from speech and even drinking water, I knew something major had gone wrong.....

Didnt take a second for me to skive work and head to the doctor immediately... still URTI and possible from some really bad strand of flu virus.....

I was kept bed-ridden (with my books, computers and PS3 though) for the next three days.... the ulcers in mouth had caused misery in life.... especially I was forced to fast against my wish.... thinkfully, it's all over now.


Had a really major argument with parents during my recuperation stay at home.... i dont wanted it and was in such poor condition to be involved but it's probably best to let them know how little breathing space I have at home... and their views and expectatons on me..... I dont know how things will work out but I shall keep my finger crossed.


Feels like resurrection today when I know I can have solid food with the fear of touching any sore point in mouth (there are still some leisons, but effectively controlled by anaethestics...)

Went for the food and wine festival at West Kowloon Promenade tonight.... too bad the time was a bit short as I arrive only at 9 ish.... but still I manage to taste some interesting choice of wine.... Not a bad night at all~


The thought of getting back to work on Monday scares me.... especially after three long days of Sick Leave..... I must use something to distract me from the impact.... will some wine do? Or a good movie is better???

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