Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's been another long week.

Thursday, normal work day.


Friday, went for training... boring one.

Later that night was the Dental Sing-K night with the usual Horace, Ken and Jo. Causeway Bay Neway. Too bad the time was too short.

We did not want to go home and was surrounding by so much trouble that we seriously needed to chat and that we missed our young days so much.... we ended up hangout out in Victoria Park.

Just like the good old days.

Jo is running into something major (bad) in her relationship... as an outsider, I didnt know how to help... just hope all go well for you.

If you can make it through, I'm sure you two will reach another stage shortly.


Saturday, day-time for Dragon Boat Training. DDC was there and finally, at least some people are there for the training this time... it was a good but tiring session.

Later in the evening. Celebrated Bean's birthday in Mong Kok Watami... great to catch up with old fellas... Yvonne, Angela, Mei Mei and Bean.

Still... later at night. I headed to Kennon's place for the usual gathering. Kennon seems reasonably well with his new job.

All the best, bro.


Sunday. I felt the full effect of dragon boat training... back pain, muscle ache... I can hardly lift myself from bed... argh.... I'm feeling old.

If you cant beat it (or have no urging reason to do it).... why not leave it just the way it is?

Translation: If my muscle force me to stay in bed, why cant i just sleep on my bed doing nothing??

Great day.



Another long working day... though cut short by all the unnecessary tasks.

Accompanied boss to attend the 'worshipping kwan kung' at the Hong Kong Jockey Club today... though the food was good, I've got more important task to do at night.

Boss called for sudden 'yum cha' and cutting short my already shortened work hour... meaning I'll have to cramp more work in less time... thanks boss.

Working on a turbo the whole afternoon that by the time I got off work, I was attacked by the most fierce headache experienced... gosh.

Fortunately, I got some belief that drove me on.... To have dinner with colleagues.

We ended up having buffet at Novotel Hotel Wan Chai. Pretty decent food there with some good oysters and shashimi. And it's currently on promotion that it's only 250 per head.

The best part of it.... Ben and Jerry ice-cream!!!

I must have eaten a whole bowl of ice-cream tonight.


P.S. I probably had too much that I'm suffering from diarrhea now.... Hope it gets better by the morning... damn.

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