Monday, February 13, 2012

It's been a while again.

I am visiting this place far less than I'd have wished... Partly because of the busy workload.... and that there seems less and less things that's worth mentioning here...

Feeling that my life's grew stagnant of late...

My heart is dying for a change... but somehow, change requires a lot of effort...

What I feared most is finally starting to show... the lure of comfort and familiarity.


Well... there had been quite a few things in this past three weeks.

First of all, I've handled my first major crime, a rape case that happened in Ap Lei Chau. Thankfully nothing went wrong at scene, but looking back, there were a number of things that could/should have done and done faster... well, consider it a lesson learnt.


Secondly, despite my insistence of not visiting the lunar market ever again year-after-year.... I still visited, for good reason. Well... guess I'm the traditional guy afterall....


Got enrolled in detective training course now... the course was far more intensive than what I anticipated.... feeling drained everyday...


Worse still.... I'm only blogging here to numb my anxious mind.... tomorrow is the exam of the course and I have not much faith on it..... Sigh.... wish me luck...

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