Wednesday, September 14, 2011

If you die this time tomorrow, will you have any regret?

Sorry if the title scared you, this is what I'm thinking at this moment.


Last Friday was great...

Though I was detained for some mo liu 'pay face' gathering at work, I still manage to leave only a while late and meet my friend for dinner and concert.

German food at Biergarten @ Hanoi Road... the food is comparable (or even better than King Ludwig's). I love the large beer keg that they modified into dining table and seats...

I was so full~

Later that night, concert by GEM in Hung Hom Coliseum...

Wel, GEM was one of the best young singer in Hong Kong. Though the concert gave me the impression that it was planned and prepared in a very short time, the outcome was not bad.

Though she was not very stable when delivering her songs in low pitch, her lung-bursting high pitch was awesome...


Though my favourite song was "All about you" and "Where did you go"

It's been a really enjoyable night. Hope you feel the same.


Went out to meet Alvin and Co. later that night at Zuma Landmark.... I seldom see a bar specializing in Sake... will find a time to visit it sometimes.


Saturday and Sunday.... nothing too special.


Monday... a day of work...

Was focusing on my job the whole day, only to have a sense of defeat as my intray was still very much filled....

I hate the feeling of never ending task.


Tuesday was a holiday... I did not have any celebration of mid-autum festival.... only that I saw the moon was shining bright each night lately.

Went for movie with Kathy... The three idiots.

Though the punchline were pretty much expected... it has a bit of 'blues' in the buildup of film... the meaning behind the film was far more than what's meet the eyes.

I had really strong feeling towards it as the university life was exactly waht I've faced...

Such resonating idea.


Had a quick drink at the longue of Marco Polo Hotel later...

Good music, good friend... just lovely.

I wish I could spend much much longer there....

We talk about love, family, work....

Nothing concrete came up.... but just the usual old saying,

Memento Mori...

Really, I really should find more time for my family.

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