Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Day 53

Autumn has come.

How can I tell? Simply by my sweat glands.

When in the parade ground today I'm no longer 'soaked' (if not drowned) in my own sweat..... hope this kind of weather can last long.

Received invitation from J' that his passing out from Fire department is on 26th Sept, a bit close to my exam, but still, nothing is more important than passing out from a disciplinary force, I'll be there for sure~

A very long lecture on handling of detained person, from morning all the way till afternoon..... so sleepy, but considering it's the bread and butter skills for later, have no choice but to stay awake.

Another exhausting PT session, gone swimming for how many hours? I lost count..... only knew that my muscles are all sore.....

Have to work on my presentation for friday..... write later then.

PS. Belated Happy Birthday... or why should I care?

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

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