Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Day 52. Post exam.

It's seldom of me to sleep so late in Police College, but today it's really an exceptional case.

The night before was sleeping quite rough cause my mind kept focusing on the test 2 this morning, waking up at 6 and do some final reading of my notes.

The whole morning was spent writing papers..... it was alright, but still, i was wrong about some questions.

In the afternoon it's range lesson. This time I've fired 30 bullets in a row.... feeling my hands and shoulders still sore from yesterday's PT test..... the result was not too good. 10m, 30 marks, 24 marks, 15m, 21 marks, 20m, 14 marks..... really shameful, especially that 20m hand..... must improve next time.

Test result released in the evening, all passed. Average score for our squad 74. I manage 81.5, while the highest is 88.5..... i guess i rank third or fourth in the whole intake..... not too bad, but there's still room for improvement.

The night was spent idly (relatively)...... stay up the whole night for the 'map making'..... for the presentation for Friday's operation...... so sleepy now, but glad i've finally managed to finish the map, tomorrow gotta finish the operation order and then rehearse it on thursday..... Great day on Friday then.

Sleep now. Later.

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