Thursday, January 05, 2012

Past and Present.

It's been a long while, again.

Hardly imagine it's now 2012 already.


Still, work's okay.... concentrating in work each day.... really stressful but I must make it... it's a place where I feel alive (that's a rare feeling for me)...

Been working during christmas time mostly.... so there wasnt a lot of celebration.

I did attend to parties on boxing day, as part of the tradition. This time, two parties. Good to meet up with friends.

A lovely dinner with mates at Royal Garden Hotel on the 27th. Ran into someone doing his proposal... interesting~


I've switched team, once again. This time I had a really great farewell with my mates, though I was a bit drunk~ Hopefully I can chill out with them again (if by some luck, maybe I really can).


Met with Ewing and Kennon and Co. during christmas.


New Year's Eve. Celebration in TST... got trapped in a large crowd... sorry to be late~


Here I am again... happy memories becoming less and less... and each day pass by without noteworthy things..... price I have to paid for growing up?


Suddenly have a thought of going back to school...

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