Friday, December 16, 2011

Time to write some thoughts here before I lost my memory.

I was posted to a new CID team. (Maybe a good thing for me.... I was really struggling with the workload of my previous team... maybe too many complex cases?)

New people means adaptation, but thankfully, the team seems very sharp. And the previous inspector did not leave too many stuff behind.... so it's okay for me.

I started to taste the joy, and the bitterness of CID life.

The joy was the detection of a crime case, planning the strategy and capture the offenders...

Bitter was the workload that follow afterwards...

I have no idea why time seems so limited on every case.... the minute you got the person arrested, the next minute you are planning on your upcoming few days' action, and get prepared!!! It's a tough task but I was well advised by my sergeant... so it's okay thus far...


Cant believe I can really work on 19 hours straight just on one case..... and I can forsee more to come.....


Whilst I was enjoying myself at work... there are always other aspect in life that I am forgoing....

Friendship, Love and Family.... Are all these an equal trade off??

I am confused...


Why can't life be simple?

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