Thursday, June 02, 2011

Paying the debts.

Tuesday and Wednesday is debt paying day...

THough bro is back in Hong Kong, I hardly have the chance to talk to him... cause every night by the time I'm back from work it's almost past midnight...

My task is nothing serious.... but tedious tasks add together can still cause a lot of damage...

Glad with the hardwork of the last two days I can finally enjoy a more 'normal' work environment... at least it's not chasing by deadline from time to time.... I can at least have some planning and leeway in how I do my work...

That's more like it.

Wednesday night had a brief chat with Jo.... interesting chat and thanks for all the sharing.


I'm about to have my motorcycle licence exam.... um.... time to practice.


To go or not to go,

to be or not to be.

When undecided.... why not flip a coin?

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