Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Movie day.

Not good...

I now realize the problem of files piling up was not because of workload itself.... but the fact that I couldnt concentrate on my task in hand...

Why am I distracted so easily? And why do I need so long in order to shift my attention back??


Probably it's all about procastination.... about the 'bad atmosphere' that my boss created...

Why on earth am I writing a long minutes just to explain something trival? Just to entertain you?

Grow up. What would you do on my side?

It seems people always forgot how it is like to be bullied... supressed.


Got off on time today for a movie, "單身男女".

Quite a light-hearted movie... but with some enlightenment too...

1. Women love bad guys.

2. Women lied... even to their hearts.

3. Some men just dont change character.

All in all... it's a simple and average movie... a "B-"?


Do I know you?

Yes, and no.

But given the chance, I'll choose the former.

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