Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Day 119

Another ordinary day (maybe that's because I'm so used to life here.... everyday seems normal now).....

Was still in deep impact from seeing what the exercise team has done to fellow intake colleagues..... must stand firm and be strong next week.....

Morning parade in the morning.... pretty normal stuff... the footdrill afterwards was tough but still bearable... got a lot to learn for preparing the passing out parade (though no guarantee we're going to pass.....)

Revolver course in the afternoon.... dim light, snap shot, 1 second per target.... maybe it's been too long since i handle a revolver.... it seems.... heavy and the trigger is stiff..... the feeling is bad....

Shooting decision test.... um.... pretty interesting things learnt today, especially when facing TASER..... something I'll bear in mind....

Got a short feedback from course instructor regarding my academic performance..... overall, not bad, in the top 5 of my squad now..... but still, need to work hard.....

Evening..... troubled by the death report the whole night.... and leave alone the OU essays.... why is the life here so crowded?

PS. I feel bad when seeing you're tired..... get more sleep~

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